How many of you guys have sent a suggestive message to a girl, and actually had a reply from her?

  1. Just the other day. She told me to “stop 😂”. Wasn’t exactly the response I was hoping for, but the positive emoji is always a good sign.

  2. I’ve done it, and will do it again. Depends on how receptive I feel she is, and how much of an opening I feel is there for me to be playful.

  3. I usually wait til ive built a little rapport, and then do so. But yeah, ive done it and had it work for sure

  4. You mean to my old lady? Every few days. Yeah I usually get a positive response. But not akways.

  5. Yes, but only to women I’m friends with and know me well enough to ignore the innuendo. They typically just answer the overt question.

  6. Wait, people actually slide into DMs on Reddit? I just like scrolling through popular and fueling my anxiety by seeing the state of the world

  7. Quite the opposite. My current gf sent me a photo 15 years ago (yes we have been dating that long) of her tits while she was taking a bath with the caption “Like what you see?” I got myself hard and sent her the one and only dick pic I have ever sent with the caption “yes.”

  8. 🤚

    The trick is you actually have to know eachother, there has to be chemistry, and it’s better to wait until she’s given some sort of signal of interest but at the same time not waiting too long for something too obvious because often times you won’t get an “obvious” signal even if she’s actually into you. So if you keep waiting for that obvious signal then you miss your window of opportunity

    You have to wait for a signal that seems like it might be something and take a risk, shoot your shot before the window of opportunity closes

    Unless you’re a supermodel then you can do it however you want 😛

  9. Why would I send a suggestive message to a woman if I’m not 100% sure she will reply?

  10. All the time. But she’s my wife so not sure it counts in the context of your question. We send some pretty suggestive messages though.

  11. Didn’t take long to find the thread proving OP just wants thirsty guys in her DMs

  12. Suggestive comes after shes been to your house to cuddle basically. After that base is covered let those dick picks fly to her like spam mail.

  13. Wait…define “suggestive” tho. Cuz there’s a HUUUUUUGE GAP, between “*d#ck pic*” and “Sup Gorgeous, looking nice” or idk whatever is post-pic related

  14. I tried with a hot friend who I tried to hit on. Sent her a message with a double entendre, but she replied she wouldn’t do that with me. I’m not the guy who sends DMs to random girls

  15. My usual go to line is “What up what up pretty mama? Wanna taste of this here Mofo? Know what I’m sain?? Eeera, Eeera”

  16. Told her ill show her my pussy if she comes over

    She did and gave treats to my cat

    He has a mom now

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