We’ve only been sexually active 2ish months because we both wanted to wait. I actually wanted to wait a bit longer, and ended up pleasuring them a few times before I was ready. Since becoming sexually active, I’ve pleasured my partner at least once a week, if not more. But they have only done so twice.

The first time we were making out, and I took their hand and put it on my crotch, they took the “hint” and went from there. Except, I didn’t really like that, because it felt like I was forcing them to do so. We had a discussion about it and of course later that day they initiated, etc. it was really nice. Since then… nothing. That was probably a month ago? We’ve had multiple sessions where I’ve make them cum multiple times, but they don’t even really touch me much or take off any of my clothes. Every time they end up completely naked, and I’m just there, frustrated and clothed.

I understand that not everyone has to cum every time, nor does one party owe another anything, but it just feels bad. They almost made it sound like they want me to force them onto me each time, but that doesn’t sit right with me. I’ve asked if they find me attractive, and they swear up and down that they do, but I’m sad to say I don’t really believe them. They do have trauma surrounding sex, so I know I have to tread carefully. Does anyone have any suggestions besides another talk?

1 comment
  1. Tons of red flags here. Sounds like you went faster than you wanted. And on top of that, they are reciprocating. Have a talk and if nothing changes then it’s time to look elsewhere

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