Okay so Basically I was talking to this girl and eventually both of us confessed feeling and I put all my feelings out on the table and asked her out. She said no because of some of the stuff surrounding me and she needed me to convince her first that those things aren’t true and that I would make a good boyfreind. We talked constantly for about a month and I thought it may be a good time because i was losing motivation and felt like i was wasting my time but inevitably she said “NO”
Should i block her and move on or keep her as a freind??

  1. Block her and move on, you can’t be friends with the opposite gender if you like them because one or the other might make a move later in the future, plus how would you feel as her “friend” if she gets a boyfriend? You might feel some type of way

  2. I’m not really understanding the point of blocking her. Knowing someone and simply not being in touch constantly takes zero effort. If knowing a woman is only for the intention of getting together with them in your mind, I recommend reassessing your outlook on humanity. If that’s not the case, I just don’t see why you’d go out of your way to completely cut off contact with another human being. It doesn’t sound like she was being rude or intentionally hurtful toward you. Do you think that was the case?

  3. Nah, you will never truly see her as a friend. Just move on with ya life and find a girl who appreciates you for you. Don’t pretend you wanna be friends and lie to yourself so you can hold onto an ounce of hope. She told you no and she means it.

    A lot of women will continue to treat a man like he’s just a friend and nothing more and continue to seek attention from that man, and will even playfully flirt with him with no intentions of going further because she knows he likes her and having his attention makes her feel good. It validates her somehow.

    I know this because I’m a woman and I’ve done this, granted I actually liked the guy I did this with, but it wasn’t meant to be.

    The only difference is that I convinced myself it wasn’t true, he didn’t actually like me as more than a friend when he actually did. Once I knew for sure he did and I was hurting him, I ended up with a guilty conscience and said my goodbyes.

    We were very close, but I couldn’t stand to continue being selfish as much as it hurt to break off our friendship, it was the right thing to do.

    Do yourself a favor and hit that block button, because most girls won’t care enough to do it for you. They LOVE that attention and whatever else it is that you are giving them.

  4. DO NOT BLOCK HER. i did this once and it ended badly. it shows immaturity too. if you find it hard to see her name on your phone, mute her stories or text messages or whatever you see her on.

  5. Do not block her. If she posts regularly on Instagram, you can mute her stories and posts, and maybe move on her messages to message requests.
    I won’t block on WhatsApp though, as it definitely shows immaturity.

  6. You can cut whoever you want out of your life. You don’t need to explain anything to her. You guys aren’t friends and she rejected you so you guys aren’t partners. If you feel like blocking her is what u need to do then do it. You can always unblock her whenever u feel ready.

  7. You should. It gives you peace of mind. You need to accept yourself and don’t take it personally. I think it’s bullshit that she rejected for things surrounding you. She’s too much of coward to say simply “I don’t like you”. But don’t beat yourself up. Rejection is natural. Focus on yourself. Live for yourself. And work for yourself.

  8. I would say mute her posts, stories, messages, etc. if you want to try to get over her but don’t block her as that would be immature to do in your situation.

  9. Block has worked for me. A space is needed. Commitment and detachment of who you are and who you think they are will heal you. Maybe, idk, that works for me

  10. Don’t block her, buT definitely move on. Don’t focus all your energy in one person, because by doing this you may not see somebody else that may have genuine interest in you.
    Do your own thing and don’t be afraid to be in different settings meeting new people. 😃

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