I (24M) was going out with a girl (23F) for a bit, and we decided to do an overnight trip. Overnight trip was a smoking hot girl should be a good time right? No.

She treated everyone in the service industry like crap. No please and thank yous, rude language all around (She once bothered someone who was clearly on their break. She justified it by saying that they should always be available to help her) I found myself apologizing at every turn.

I don’t think I have ever been turned off by someone faster. When we got to where we were staying, she started complain about accommodations (which she didn’t pay for btw, I covered the cost of the trip) And that she was “disappointed in me” for my choices. I knew right then and there we were done.

Moral of the story: Doesn’t matter how hot you are. Being a good person and kind is far more attractive.

  1. Classic instant turnoff material. Sorry it happened on an overnight trip that you paid for.

  2. I work in the service industry and often see it happen that a couple comes in and one of them acts like a complete entitled douche, and i can see the “sorry for that” embarrassment in their partners eyes. I kind of pitied the partners for having to put up with it, but in the end it’s their choice to stay with them. I’d say if you’re staying with such a person and letting them mistreat others you aren’t much better. Good for you to have ended it! :))

  3. How did you end it? Did you get in the car and drive off? lol I would have told her straight up she treats people like shit, and you aren’t going to waste another second on her.

    Don’t worry, she will find a way to tell everyone how awful you are.

  4. U sir went on a date with a Karen. I know how it is cause I went on a. Bachelorette trip and one of the girls was JUST LIKE THIS. I felt so embarrassed she was rude to any worker.

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