
**The Basics:**

* Friends never force me to eat, because we’re usually doing something real.
* I’ve been seeing family more often lately, people are always either getting married or having babies. THIS IS WHERE I’m forced to eat. My family is south east Asian.
* No I don’t have a problem with food, I love cooking, and I love restaurants. My body jiggles, she thicc.
* More than I love food, I love conversation.

**What I’ve Tried:**

* Cook for them: This works.
* Introducing people to each other: This works.
* Play an instrument: Works for a short time.
* Serve people: Works for a short time.
* Help set up: Doesn’t work.
* Ask for a tupperware to take stuff home: This only buys you temporary cooldown time from being told to eat.
* Make a man eat everything: Sometimes you just don’t have one.

But sometimes older women can be especially FORCEFUL and PHYSICAL with me to the point where they’ll grab my arm or hand and walk me to the food. They’ll cut conversations short to do it. Some will place food on my plate without my consent.

Yes I eat it, I appreciate it. But I’m slow. I graze. They hate that, and love mentioning it. I can’t live like this.

**What am I doing wrong? What do** ***you*** **all do?**

Would greatly appreciate any advice or input, thank you in advance!

1 comment
  1. Whatever energy they put into trying to force feed you, give them that same energy back with denying them.

    Them: “Come have some more, you’ll really like it, it’s so good.”

    You: “No, if I eat anymore I will explode, I’m done eating”

    Them: *grabs your arm* “Come on, you can eat let’s go”

    You: “Whatever you put on my plate is not going into my mouth, I promise you that”

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