I hope this is the right subreddit for this, I wasn’t too sure where to ask? But I’ve thought about it a lot and I wanted to venture into selling pictures and stuff online, but I’m not too sure how to go about it, and whether it’s safe. Any advice in general would help, and thank you in advance! 🙂

\+ I live outside the US, so anonymous apps like CashApp aren’t an option. Are there any other safe (and private) alternatives?

Also what’s a good starting point? I’m 19F and don’t really have a lot of knowledge on things like this, I just need the money to get through uni.

  1. There are a lot of ways to do that. Just Google something like “selling feet pictures anonymously” and there should be enough community’s and plattforms to work with. Most if them handle the transactions as well for you.

  2. before you get into it, you need to really consider if you want to get into this field, because once it’s out there its out there forever.

    and theres a lot of other people selling content so youre going to have to atleast reach their level in effort and promotion, and even surpass it one day

    to bring the revenue to an even higher level, you might need to show your face and turn it into a full time job

    if still up for it then theres plenty of places online that gives advice on starting out (reddit, twitter, tiktok, etc)


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