what does long term REAL love feel like to you?

  1. There will be disagreements and differences of opinions but you both fight for each other and are both willing to put yourself out for the other person because you love them, and you can talk through your problems and feel better after talking with them.

  2. It’s not a feeling, it’s a state of being. When you spend enough time in an intimate relationship with a suitable person, you grow interlocked roots like trees planted too close together. It’s a long growing, symbiotic partnership a lot of people never achieve.

  3. It feels like patience, understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness. And if it truly is real, I will receive the same in return.

  4. My dog still coming to the door when I got home waggin her tale even though she could barely walk anymore after 15 years of living together. I miss you my beautiful beagle.😭

  5. total comfort, being able to argue, talk, or simply exist without being expected to preform some kind of role or fearing that the relationship might deteriorate, basically the ultimate form of trust

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