It’s been a while since I haven’t date, therefore I am not sure where this is going. Let me start:

When I went by myself to a club, I met a guy. He approached me and decided to danced together. He proceeds on telling me he is looking for a serious relationship to which I told him I was looking for the same thing. We got each other’s phone number. He asked me out for drinks. To be honest he checks all of the boxes of what I’m looking for but it’s too god to be true. He seemed attracted to me while we were on the date. The next day he asked me on another date, but I was busy so I told him we should hang out this coming Friday to which he agreed. However it’s been 3-4 days since I haven’t heard from him. Is this normal? Do guys just text to set up dates and not bother to text during the week?

  1. Too good to be true is probably **too good to be true**

    He agreed to Friday, but no time and place? Give him a TIME and PLACE. Wait 24 hours. No response, delete and move on.

  2. I would say go on the date if he texts you back, but don’t let it stop you from making sure plans with your friends, family, etc. If he texts back and you already made plans, just tell him that you didn’t hear from him and made other plans.

  3. Sometimes time gets away, but a quick text or email or something chould be warranted. But maybe he doesn’t want you to think he’s gonna be a smother’ by texting/calling everyday. Let you concentrate on what you have going on. And/or telling you that patience is a virtue. Does that make sense?

  4. Don’t worry at all. Some guys I know only use text to plan dates. Sometimes guys don’t want to text so much in between dates because we think it makes women uninterested. I’m sure that he wouldn’t mind a text from you confirming or you can wait till a little bit closer to the date.

  5. I’m actually curious. Is this something that women expect? Men to text them throughout the week leading up to the date? For example if I’m going to dinner with my mom and we plan the date and time I’m not going to text her throughout the week you know? Or even my friends that I have. We just plan the place and time and meet up. Don’t really text in between. To you does it say he doesn’t care about you? I’m just trying to understand your thought process because I have autism and find it hard to understand social norms. Thank you.

  6. It’s normal depending on the guy. I’m the kind of dude that will definitely engage and text depending on the person but, I just have a date set up with a cute OF girl for Thursday and haven’t really texted her since a couple of days ago and probably won’t again till tmr night or Thursday morning.

    However, I still have every intention on going on that date.

    You guys just met once right? He probably wants to go on that date first to see more of what you’re before committing more of his time towards you in case you guys don’t click. Otherwise if he finds he’s not interested in you after the first date it’ll hurt you more once he suddenly stops texting.

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