hello everybody! you can call me “Worm”, but i have a problem and it seems to be getting worse… ive always had friends text me here and there somewhere in 2017 when i first got my phone. but since 2018 i have never gotten a text from someone, just my partner but i mean friends😔 i literally have no social life. no matter how many times i text first or what topics i bring up, nobody wants to text me unless they “need” to. i have about 10 friends and most of them are on the same app, snapchat. theres about 5 of us that are active on a daily, we all friended rach other because of me, im the mutual friend, we all knew each other for 4+ years, but still no text first nobody could be busy 24/7. i dont get it, in my mind its like of they did worry or WANT to talk with me they would?? but i dont know what to do. im so tired and drained texting people. i used to be the one that would text everybody first everyday but now im turning into a non texter because of them.. dont get me wrong, theyre really good friends (i hope) its just they dont text or talk unless i do and ive talked multiple times with them about it. ive gotten different responses. my “best friend” was like: i thought we talked a lot, i didnt realize you felt like that. im not the type of person to text everyday though.

please i need advice, typing is a chore now

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