I feel like the older I get it’s impossible to make friends online (25 btw) I guess as a teen I used to make them on online games and stuff but those aren’t as popular anymore and I don’t play them anymore either. I try interacting in my fandoms on twitter mostly but apart from a couple of replies or retweets I get nothing. It sucks seeing they are all in a group chat together but I’m not invited.

Even going to conventions I post in the facebook group and get absolutely ignored like oof (at least my friend had the same experience) Also I only have one friend who I am really lucky to have by per luck. I have ADHD and she has autism, which I can kinda understand why it’s harder to make friends but she literally seems to attract sooo many friends online and have 1000’s of followers and I always have barely 100. Obviously followers don’t = friends but I could see having a larger following = more chances to make friends

It’s really starting to get to me. Like what is so fundamentally wrong with me that everyone thinks i’m weird and hates me? I was always told that by kids at school and even my friend’s friends have said the same 🙁

  1. Online can be tough, especially if it is text only. I think things with voice chat like games or discord to be the most effective.

    Maybe see if your friend has a group chat they can invite you to. Or see if there are any servers for your particular interests.

    While games definitely aren’t as good for finding friends anymore, they are good as an activity with someone you just met. It can be a jumping off point and can fill space between conversation. You can also learn a lot about a person, do they work well with others or self centered, are they chill or hyper competitive, etc

    I’m a bit in the same boat. Im older (28) and most of my hobbies; drawing, making music, both very poorly, are too solo for use in meeting others.

    If you wanna chat or play a game feel free to send me a DM.

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