How would you feel about mini-golf as a 1st date?

  1. No, I’m way too competitive and would be in a terrible mood if he was better. I like a challenge, but in the end, I gotta win or there won’t be another date lol

    And something regular to actually talk and get to know each other better is just better as a first date to me.

  2. Having only played it for the first time this year and really enjoying it, I’d be happy with that for a first date.

  3. I wouldn’t pick it as a first date, but I’m also not really that interested in mini golf and haven’t ever chosen to go mini golfing. If both people think it’s a fun time, I don’t see any harm in it. If either person is overly competitive or invested in it, then it probably won’t be a good choice. If it’s just for fun and you have the opportunity to relax, hang out, and talk during it, it’ll probably work out fine.

  4. I’d like it as a first date, fun to see how they react BUT I’d also want to do something where we can talk too, so like a coffee & walk before, or a drink after

  5. My preference for first dates is always something simple where we can sit down, face each other and talk to each other, since the point of first dates (in my view anyway) is to get to know each other a bit and assess compatibility and chemistry.

  6. If your okay with me never being able to get the ball to go in the hole then I’m down! Mini-golf courses are very cute.

  7. It starts out as silly and fun but usually ends up to drag and be irritating. Where you’re just hoping for it to be over. This isn’t a first date I would enjoy.

  8. I had a first date like this. A little competition is always fun for me as long as no one gets carried away with it. We went for drinks and played pool after to keep the competition going. All together it was a fun night.

  9. Not for me. I’d only go for dinner or lunch for a first date as I want to be able to sit down and talk in peace and quiet. Either way I don’t like doing activities, I’m way too competitive for that. We can save the Mario Party-like fights til later in the relationship lol

  10. Heck yeah! As long as the weather is good or it’s indoors, that sounds like fun to me.

  11. Too committal. I’d prefer something that can easily end after an hour, without making it weird. Like going for a coffee. Just in case it sucks hard.

  12. That sounds amazing, something fun to do and lots of time to talk getting to know each other.

  13. Love that idea! First dates can be awkward and it can be hard to keep a conversation going. Doing something fun like this still gives you the same opportunity to talk but takes the pressure off.

  14. Not my cup of tea. It sounds fun but a first date should be more about getting to know someone

  15. I’d love it. Something fun, have some laughs, plenty of talking points and a bit of competition

  16. SUPER FUN, I have done it with my current boyfriend and I’ve found it a good way to just let loose and have fun with some friendly competition! We had dinner afterwards. Best of both worlds in my opinion!

  17. I think it’s cute, I would incorporate getting a coffee or meal before or after though so you get some time to talk and get to know the person. You don’t really get that with mini golf as much as things like bowling because there’s usually people waiting behind you

  18. Love the activity idea as a date- you get to talk but also have something to focus on instead of sitting at coffee staring at each other. I would recommend maybe the half course (9 instead of 18) so it’s not as much of a time commitment to the activity and you both have an out if the game isn’t fun- you can always extend/have another game if needed.

  19. I would think it’s great. I am self conscious about my essential tremor so drinking coffee or eating in front of someone new is nerve wracking for me. Doing activities like mini golf or bowling make me more laid back and less self conscious. Even though I am equally bad at both of those things.

  20. My boyfriend took me to a driving range on our first date. It worked for me (cause he’s my boyfriend now lol). I think it was fun, kinda took the pressure off and we also doing something instead of keep talking.

  21. I personally wouldn’t want to do it because I have the gross motor skills of a two year old. But I think it could be fun if I was better skilled in that department.

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