\*Not @ minors\*

  1. I have kids and need to be a good role model. My son’s mother smoked and drank while pregnant and my step sons dad drank til black out. I want them to grow up knowing there’s more to life than that.

  2. It’s expensive, and between my work, and my family, I really just don’t have the time to be in anything but a right and sober state of mind.

  3. Why would I?

    What would weed do for me? What problem would it solve? I don’t have chronic pain, or cancer, or any other medical issue where weed would provide a tangible benefit.

    I don’t suffer from depression or anxiety where weed would offer short-term benefits, but even if I did, I don’t think it would be for me. I’ve tried it, it was somewhat nice (though I had a less than nice experience with some cookies), but yeah, a lot of things are nice. A shared meal with friends. Cooking with my partner. Snuggling on the couch with her and the cats watching TV. Going hiking. Having a few beers in a pub. Reading a novel. What possible benefit would weed provide to any of this?

    Prolonged weed consumption leads to short term memory issues, can induce paranoia and sleeplessness. Why would I want any of that?

  4. Cuz it’s illegal and I don’t have connections to get some. Don’t know if I have enough $ either.

  5. Because I don’t want to. I never understood why people need an excuse nowadays not to drink or smoke.

  6. Used to enjoy a good spliff after work a few years ago and then it starting giving me really bad anxiety

  7. Because the most I’ll do of any drug is caffeine in my coffee or soda.

    And I kinda like my job. Don’t want to fail a random drug test.

  8. Doesn’t seem interesting to me at all. Never really had any interest in any drugs. Never smoked anything. Basically never drink alcohol. Don’t really get why I’d want to.

  9. It’s just not my thing, mostly makes me light headed and wavy, it’s not bad but it wasn’t super fun or felt good to me either.

  10. Have tried and multiple times before and have never liked or enjoyed it. Plus I get drug tested for my job so that’s another reason.

    I don’t vape or anything anymore either. I quit that shit like a year or so ago

  11. Don’t need it. Never been into smoking or doing drugs or any of the sorts.

    Doesn’t bother me when other people do it. It’s just not my thing

  12. Not healthy, damages the rewards centers of your brain. Increases depression, anxiety. Decreases quality of sleep.

  13. Potheads are the most obnoxiously boring people I’ve ever met.

    I want to actually live my life, not turn into some useless, foul-smelling layabout. I get the appeal if your life is an unbearable clusterfuck, but mine is not.

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