This is odd, I always hear about people giving up porn and it improving their sexual desires towards their partner somewhat, but I guess that’s usually when those people have really heavy porn consumption.

My porn consumption is pretty light averaging anywhere from once a month or a week, while I do read erotica regularly.

But whenever I reduced the amount of porn I watched when I had a bf, it wasn’t reflected in sex. Masturbating or watching porn less didn’t make me want sex more, I’d just kind of forget about sex in general until he asked.

On the other hand when I could finally have time to myself for porn or masturbating it was so much more intense. But going back to sex, it usually didn’t feel that different from anytime my ex and I would have it.

I’m not sure if it was healthy or not, but I just got better orgasms from masturbating in general.

  1. I think this is an urban myth spread by emotionally constipated porn shamers. Porn causes arousal, and often facilitates sexual self care. This can improve sexual health and increase libido.

    I do think masturbation generally feels better, and that’s fine because sex with a partner is about more than just how it feels. I would chose sex with my woman first, because it’s a shared experience for intimacy and connection, but I am still going to feel the need to masturbate too.

  2. It’s just one of those things when everyone is different. Some people do seem to have a libido like an hourglass and when they’re out they’re out, whereas others use stimulation as fuel.

  3. I think it’s the opposite for us. My wife gets more turned on when we watch porn together and it’s led us to trying new things.

  4. I think for many people watching less porn can help.

    That said it is not some universal rule. When I stopped consuming all porn for a bit my erections did get a bit more prominent and my immediate response to stimulus increased which made initiating sex a bit easier. That said my actual desire to have fun sex and/or make love just disappeared. It definitely had some unhealthy side effects on exactly what I desired to do etc. I did not like the final results at all.

  5. There is spontaneous and responsive desire. Spontaneous desire is like you getting horny and want to jump bones out of the blue. And responsive desire is something happening and then you getting turned on. For example, your BF kissing you or in this case, you watching porn. Maybe porn just gets you thinking about sex. Maybe that explains it.

  6. Over the years, you have conditioned yourself to associate porn with your own sexy time.

    I had a casual hook up that always wanted to get shit faced and then fuck me. We would go at it like rabbits. I usually would have whiskey dick and either take a long time to finish or not even.

    Then we would wake up hung over and have sex again.

    I got conditioned into equating drinking and hangovers with sex. After ending with her… I’d CRAVE sex with drinks so hard. It took me a year to brake that conditioning.

  7. I always seem to think less of porn and more about my partner when I have one. So there is that

  8. Watching porn doesn’t really affect my libido and sometimes makes me hornier if watching with a my partner. I don’t watch as much now since I’m married and satisfied with my sex life but there was a time when it fucked with my head seeing all those big dicks so reducing how much I watched helped me get a grip on reality lol

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