Me and this girl went on our 2nd date last night to the movies she called me very attractive and stuff after the first date and then during 2nd one we held hands for a little bit during the movie. She told already I’m her type and she’s interested in me. When should I try to hangout with her again? Thank u all I’m very new to the dating scene.

  1. Whenever you want! There aren’t any rules for date timings. You could suggest a date today and meet tomorrow if it’s fine with her. And we don’t know what she’s fine with, as we are not mind readers.

  2. You don’t have to wait long dude few days that’s it between dates you can text her random stuff.after the third date go for the kiss and makes your moves like hooking up or make out.set the tone and she will follow

  3. As soon as possible. Time is your enemy here so the sooner the better.

    Women have online dating and social media now so you have to act fast.

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