a girl here, i don’t know how to tell if my bf is mad or not, mainly over text, so how do YOU guys hint at it? that way i won’t just put it off and maybe i can talk to him about how he feels.

  1. I don’t hint. I do the adult thing and use my words to communicate directly

    Hinting and passive aggressiveness aren’t gonna get any good results

  2. I usually go with something cryptic like “ugh, x thing happened and it stressed me out”

  3. Here’s the biggest one:


    Texting for “hey I’m at the grocery store, need anything?” Fine, perfect. Go for it.

    Texting for “are you mad at me?” Hell freaking no. That is for in person communication. Not over text.

  4. I usual bring it up once and if that dont go well I dont talk to her anymore about it. Noticed all women will turn any and all complaints against me so i just go do something to relax and get away from them.

  5. I tell her to come and sit down so we can have an important chat. Unless she’s in the middle of something that I can see is really important (I’ll wait a bit), there’s no good reason for her to say no.

  6. I just straight up tell her, in person. I can’t read her mind and I should not expect her to be able to read mine either. If I can’t tell her in person, I call her. Text messaging should not be used to hash out a disagreement.

  7. I don’t.. I just get over my attitude and keep it moving.. I don’t be wanting to talk about me being mad for my own personal reasons.. he might be the similar.. I say just let him be.. he prolly would’ve just said something if it were that serious

  8. Hint?




    I just say what’s on my mind. If I can’t be honest with you, I won’t have you around. If you don’t say what you mean, you can never mean what you say. If it is a deal breaker, then we part ways and both find someone more suitable.

    But I don’t walk on eggshells.

  9. You’re already living life on hard mode trying to figure his emotions by text

    Call him and ask him if he’s genuinely doing okay

  10. Just ask him. Don’t play games. If he’s upset, then there is a reason. If he doesn’t want to talk about it, respect that.

  11. I’m a girl who is curious as well but wondering if OP means when their upset with us (the gf) or upset about work or something unrelated to the relationship?

  12. I personally would say I’m upset but it would be either phone call or in person. It’s too easy to misread a text.

  13. I don’t hint. I let her know what the issue is and suggest we have a conversation about it.

    Stop hinting. If you have an issue with something, communicate it. And if you *are* going to just hint at the fact that something’s bothering you & he doesn’t pick up on it, that is *your* problem. If you want the issue fixed, then be straight forward and talk about it. If she gets defensive and angry, tell her you two can talk about it later and then leave it alone until she’s willing to have a reasonable conversation.

  14. If he isn’t telling you it’s because he doesn’t want to. Let it be unless it’s causing issues.

    I grew up in a pretty “toxically masculine” environment. I find it extremely hard to share negative emotions, *especially* with my gf, which is the opposite of the way things are “”supposed”” to be. When I’m angry or upset I generally just bottle it up and act like I’m not, because I’m more comfortable that way.

    Your boyfriend might well be the same. Just accept it. If it’s not causing issues then it’s fine.

  15. Guys don’t hint. They will tell you if they are upset. If you are unsure, just ask in plain direct langue.

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