How the hell is it possible to impress high income earning women?

  1. Be impressive.


    Probably won’t sway her with a steak dinner. She can buy her own.

    So, pick up a book. Learn some shit. Be able to talk about it. Make her laugh. Sweep her off her high-dollar heels in literally every other way, but financially.

  2. Well they don’t need money, so if that’s all you got you’re fucked.

    Other than that, the usual stuff. Be a good person, be charming, handsome, loving, make them feel special, etc.

    And most importantly, be genuine

  3. Self-confidence, being open to new experiences, a sparkling wit.

    Optional: Washboard abs and a taut, pert bum.

  4. You’re looking at it wrong. Theyre not looking to be impressed with regular monetary items. They can already buy those things themselves.

    They want your love and affection. They want that extra special hand made breakfast on their birthday or some cheap flowers but arranged or picked out by you personally to suit their taste.

    Not every high earning woman is like this obviously but usually high earning folks, especially women are very lonely.

  5. This is where the gender role reversal really peaks. We will have to become trophy husbands and stay at home dads.

  6. By realizing that if you were relying on your job or your money to attract women you were pretty crappy as a prospective partner to begin with.

  7. Huge wang, be super duper handsome, and or have allot of money of your own. This is the way.

  8. lol sorry to butt in . i know this is ask men and i’m a woman but this should be in r/askwomen ? anyways my income is very high and i promise you; it is not worth it to try and “impress” a woman if she thinks your worth is measured by your career. just be yourself

  9. According to dating apps, “ambition” aka make a lot of money.

    Usually people want to date within their tax bracket, or up, not below.

    Buuuut that’s generalizing, by doing or giving something they cant do or buy. Acts of service, kind words, quality time

  10. By making sure they know that even with their impressively high income, they are still a woman.

  11. By not trying to if they aren’t already. If they have high standards let them. Those decisions will come back to haunt them when their ideal high income man turns out to have expectations for her.

  12. I think you’re looking at this all wrong. I can support myself comfortably.. how are they going to impress me?

  13. I work in tech, so I make a good amount. It also means I work with plenty of Tesla/luxury car driving hype beasts and tech bros, so how you spend your money on material goods is really not that interesting to me, as long as you’re doing it responsibly. I think people who are genuinely kind, thoughtful and intelligent are more impressive than anything else.

  14. I just make more money than them and then they are compelled by law to be impressed. Man, don’t worry about impressing anybody. Just be the best you that you can be and if that’s not good enough – fuck them.

  15. I don’t think it’s any different than with another woman.

    Imagine you had a high income. Would that change who you are attracted to?

  16. Money isn’t valuable to those with a lot of it. What everyone has in limited supply is time. Give her your time. Do something that takes time. Be someone she wants to spend her time on.

  17. For me, as a woman, money doesn’t matter as much as long as you have goals, are honest, have a good life/work balance, and fill traditional masculine roles such as being the “ protector “. I want to be able to go to a man and get his advise when I need it and know he’ll be there for me and listen. You are still providing even if you make less. If I make more, I probably have less tolerance to immaturity because I don’t want to feel like a mother. I want a companion.

  18. The same you you impress any woman: Have good genes.
    Specifically (in order of importance):
    Have low cortisol, high dopamine, and high testosterone
    (for good measure, sprinkle in some intelligence, height, empathy/social intelligence and verbal wit; and you’ll be golden)

  19. It’s remarkable just how much more attractive women find you when you do this one simple trick: stop looking at dating like it’s a competition and at women like they’re trophies.

    I always have myself a good chuckle when I make a bonehead move and scroll down to the comments section of PornHub videos. Every time, without fail, in every comments section of every amateur video of a beautiful woman being taken to pound town by a hairy fat guy, there is inevitably at least two viewers who ask, “HoW dOeS a GuY LiKe ThAt ScOrE a WoMaN lIkE hEr?”

    Because the only value she has to you is that there is a non-zero chance that your penis could wind up inside her, and faceless hairy fat guy values *everything else* about her, doofus.

    I connected with a beautiful woman who happened to be a doctor. She was better educated than me, earned a lot more than me, and was much more ambitious than me. At the time, I was just some schmuck who, in spite of having a degree in information technology, wound up repairing small engines at a Home Depot. She specifically told me that she was immediately attracted to my Tinder bio, which at the time said something along the lines, “I’m not tall and not religious. I know those are important to some people, so best get them out of the way. I consider my ability to skip bullshit one of my strongest qualities, and the only games I intend to play with you involve cards and dice.”

    Take from that what you will.

  20. Treat them like regular girls. She is used to being treated as a big boss lady, men bowing a scraping to her at work and in society. Treat her like a silly little girl.

  21. Well, either be an even higher income earner, or hit her over the head with a rock, eithers fine.

  22. If money is all you have to impress women, then you just aren’t impressive.

    Might I suggest trying to accomplish something meaningful? Perhaps be likeable?

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