You’re working or socializing in a group and you have an idea or the answer to a question and you mention it, but nobody hears you. Then seconds or minutes later, someone else says the exact same thing and everyone else agrees or thinks it’s a good idea/answer and you’re just sitting there like ?? I just said that. This happens to me a lot while working on school assignments with 4+ people.

Does anyone have any tips on how to make myself heard, or overcoming the fear of speaking my mind? I have a naturally quiet voice, and this also doesn’t help… It’s already difficult for me to express my ideas in a group environment, due to fear of saying something wrong/people not agreeing or thinking that my idea/answer is bad.

I’d appreciate any input on this topic.

1 comment
  1. Can relate to it big time. And the only time I do manage to build up my courage and speak out, I’m wrong.

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