Like what positions?

  1. We don’t sleep together because of work schedules. But when we did we just laid on our own sides of the bed.

  2. Me on my back and her with her head on my chest or cuddling (spooning) or if we’re fighting or not in the mood for anything other than sleep than me on one end and her on the other. lol

  3. Back to back as far away as possible. We have a super king which helps.

    Edit: we love each other and are affectionate etc. but sleeping is sleeping.

  4. Ya know, I wanna be the little spoon sometimes. Normally I’m the big spoon or she sits in my lap so I can scratch her back. Other time I lay across her lap so she can pick at my back, I work a hard job and I sweat. Other rides when she has had a long day she sits in the rocking chair by the bed. and has me rub her feet, for about 20 years she has done rhis and every time she says she won’t fall asleep, but she does every time lol.

  5. If I had one, I’d love to be in thongs/g-strings and have my partner on top, lying on my body

  6. Do you mean sleeping?

    I don’t.

    I prefer to sleep alone in my own bed and she sleeps in her own bed, it’s great.

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