29F here.. met a guy (35M) at a friend’s party a few weeks ago, we had a brief chat, had some sizzling eye contact and at the end of the night he said he hoped he’d see me again.

The next weekend we ended up at the same party. We chatted a lot and I flirted pretty hard, and at the end of the night, we hugged and we both held on. It was SEXY. Then he asked if I wanted to walk him to his car (I was staying on at the party). He took me up against the car and kissed me. We made out very passionately and I’m sure he was into it (coz I could feel him hahah). But then when I pulled away and I said we should call it a night because I had to go back to the party, we parted ways and he said so casually “see you around”.

No asking for my number?! No trying to find out when he could see me? I know this goes both ways (why shouldn’t I make the move?), but I can tell he’s an old school kind of guy.

Why didn’t he ask?!?!

Some ideas:
1) he recently had a thing with a girl he liked that didn’t work out (not a relationship, but dating) – apparently he hasn’t had a relationship in a while
2) we have close family friends in common and our friend circles overlap
3) he’s a cool dude and wants to get to know me in more casual/neutral settings before deciding if he actually wants to see me
4) he doesn’t want to date me
5) I came on too strong – he likes to chase

  1. you forgot one thing:
    6. Sometimes guys are stupid

    I remember I was texting my crush and I asked “what are you up to lately?” she replied “Ah it is too long to explain it through text”. My idiot brain didn’t get it and was like “Ah shoot, sounds super busy”

  2. Sounds like hot fun, not a start of a long term relationship. Don’t go the “came into him too hard”. If he’s not interested that way, hot making out is all there is to get. Ofc nobody can speak for him so if you really want to know, ask him.

  3. Going to echo what someone else said, men aren’t always operating at 100% methodical and rational purposeful strategy. He could have been beating himself up on the car ride home asking “why didn’t I get her number?!” Sometimes people get caught up in the moment or get nervous and realize they should have done X Y or Z. It sounds like you have mutual friends, maybe do a little casual investigating to get more of his story and then maybe his number if you feel bold.

  4. 7. he felt a little hurt and rejected in that moment and his ego and/or pride was in the way and didn’t want him to make another move (asking for your number) because he already made a move that didn’t turn out the way he expected or hoped

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