Some backstory:

Knew this girl since high school. She seemed really shy, but incredibly attractive. Used to look away from me in the halls.

I used to be really awkward (and ugly), and made myself look weird around her. I myself get a bit of a glow up, and I try chatting her up.

Mentioned going out on a hangout with her and some friends, she said “my friend makes plans without telling me.”

Second time I asked if she wanted to go on a date, she said no and said we could be friends.

Almost a year passes by, and she texts me and says she’d like to hear my opinion for a homework assignment. She then says “Btw how have you been?”

Today I decide to ask her one final time if she’d like to hang out with me. She actually says yes and wants to get coffee this Thursday.

I know I said this wasn’t a date, but she said “you don’t have to bring anything, just yourself lol.” I’m like insanely nervous just texting her. I’ve been on dates with my ex before, but those were awkward too.

This girl I like, I barely know her or talked to her, but I know this is the perfect opportunity to get to know her. I don’t want to make things awkward, and she seems down to hang out, what can I do to get the most success? I need some of that rizz advice lmao.

  1. >what can I do to get the most success?

    Accept that this is a platonic hang-out to catch up after a period of low contact, nothing more.

    Start asking *other people* out until you find someone who says *”Yes”*, and enjoy those dates.


    There is your path to success.

  2. Nobody here can tell you whether she’s interested. If you want to be a couple, ask her on a date. Otherwise just be friends, like she asked. If you can’t, don’t pretend to be a friend.

    The so called friend zoning happens when people have hidden agendas that don’t lead anywhere. Don’t blame the other for leading you on if they ask for friendship and you are pretending to be one.

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