I have always had problems with that.

I can’t just stare a them the whole time. But I also can’t look past their heads the wohle time. That would be weird too.

Where do I look at?

  1. Look them in the eye for a bit, then look away slightly in a way that looks like your pondering what they’ve said, or look at the object they’re talking about, then look back at them again. You can figure out the balance after a while. You want your eye contact to tell them “I’m listening to you” (nodding here and there/matching your facial expression to what they’re saying to helps to show you’ve heard and understood) whereas if you make no eye contact, you’ll be telling them “I’m ignoring you”. But if you death-stare at them, that feels threatening or creepy and doesn’t make them feel listened to. So it’s a balance for sure.

  2. I’ve learnt somewhere on reddit that looking at people’s shoes makes them uncomfortable. Use this trick to turn tables on them.

  3. You look at their eyes, their movements, but at that times you also break that eyecontact.

    For some that have issue with eyecontact I’ve read that looking at the nosebridge or forehead can give lower the anxiety related to eyecontact.

    In the end, its all about feeling what the situation demands and above all, what you feel is right.

  4. My karate teacher, my sensei, told us an awesome trick to do.

    If you feel uncomfortable maintaining eye contact (in karate it means looking at your battle opponent which looks angry as shiet), then don’t look this person in the eyes, but look at their nose. Focus your vision on their nose bridge right between their eyes. That really helped me not only in karate, but in my everyday life.

    I miss my karate lessons.

  5. I, being neuro divergent, have a hard time maintaining eye contact. So in order for me to not be perceived as shifty and weird, I just look at the spot between their eyebrows/nosebridge. It helped me a lot throughout rougher discussions. The only people I can actually look in their eyes directly without feeling icked out, is my BF and my kids. Other than that, third eye is my main focuspoint.

  6. I usually look past their eyes (just to the left or right) and look at their eyes if they’re making an important point (or I am).

    Honestly though, I don’t care a lot of the time. Sometimes I stare out the window or at whatever I find more interesting while still engaging in the conversation. I just let people get used to the fact that I do this. In some cultures, eye contact is considered rude and discomforting.

    Postive attitude, care for the other person etc. is what matters right?

  7. My trick if y are not comfortable with eye contact..

    Imagine a square around their head and keep the line going.. That should help you to look like yr going an eye contect while also not feeling awkward..

  8. I find that if I just lat my eyes rapidly dart all around back and forth up and down…. pretty soon they just go away.

  9. I feel you completely. I focus on it so much that I can’t even absorb what people are telling me and it makes social interactions exhausting and not worth it. I usually do a combo of looking in their eyes, looking away while nodding as if I’m deep in thought and thinking about what they just said.

    I had a friend who always had his sketch book with him anywhere we went, whether it was just us two or a big group. He was constantly sketching or doodling, especially when in conversation. I always figured he had an issue with eye contact and it helped him. No one ever seemed to mind or said anything

  10. Honestly i’m really awkward myself so I just switch between eye contact and their movements. I don’t know if thats great advice tho 💀

  11. Dont look at their eyeslook at their forehead.
    Not even they could tell your looking at their eyes.

    Then say> THat a big pimple on there, sorry

    Them > HAHAHAHAH WHERE!?!?! *panic*

    During the flustered confusion; then you scope out the other areas.
    THen resume conversation with a humor like atmosphere. Works for both sexes)))

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