What is the frequency of having sex? Monogamous or not? Toys? Kinks? Do tell!

  1. We both have the same mentality, you can watch, look after and enjoy the whole world as long as you get your meal at home. With other words my bf doesn’t care if i sext or flirt with other ppl as long as I have sex with him in the end. However meeting with other ppl is a no go unless i ask him. Same rules apply to him obviously.

    I don’t have much toys but we sometimes use them in our foreplay or while we have intercourse.

    We do it 5-10 times a week, however we mostly meet at the weekend.

    Kinks are mostly the same with some stuff the other likes or not. We basically talk about it and if we feel like it give it a try. You can see my kinks in a nice list on my profile if you are curious.

  2. High is relative. They are never the same sadly. Mine is always higher than my partners, regardless of who the partner is or was.

    Background: we are temporarily in what is for us an abnormally low phase. For the last year or so, my wife has been unable to orgasm, almost certainly due to a reaction from a psych med. She can get 99% there and then can’t go over the edge. That is being worked on with the shrink now. It’s a long process of trial and evaluation repeated until those side effects ate minimized.

    Presumably once it is resolved we will be back to our normal routine, which was as follows.

    Fuck each other to sleep every night. That one is very slow and gentle, so much so that we fall asleep in the process by design.

    Fuck each other awake most mornings. That one is sort of medium intensity most times.

    Most days we have an opportunistic fuck sometime in the afternoon or early evening which is highly energetic and uses lots of toys and other fun stuff.

    So I would say in total about 2.5 times per day on average, because the opportunistic fuck doesn’t happen every day. My desire would be 3 to 4 times a day, but it’s a compromise because her libido is lower than mine.

    I am 65 and she is 69. We have been together for 38 years.

  3. Monogamous. Multiple times a day. Very experimental, we never get bored. It’s not weird to go at it 5-7 times daily. Everywhere. Any moment of the day. Also we love each other a lot, we fuck rough as much as we make love to each other. I’m living the dream.

  4. On our first date we fucked 3 times and he asked me if my libido is high, I didn’t consider it high he just makes me incredibly horny hahaha. We don’t live together and get to spend 2-3 nights together per week. During the weekends we usually have longer, slower and more passionate and experimental sessions. We make sure to make time for this. Last week we decided to leave a party early to have a long night and I took a nap during the day so I wouldn’t be tired. We have planned hotels etc to have more bdsm sex. During the week it is more quickies before work or during a wfh break. But also sometimes we like to slow down and spend an evening doing a massage or spa night which leads to a lot of intimacy.
    When we are not together we like to keep each other engaged with sexting, calling, sending pictures, rewatching old sessions we filmed and posting on snips of that on reddit.
    Frequency? Average I would say 7 times a week but it varies and we have easily reached 7 times a day.
    Monogamous? Yess it’s only the 2 of us 🙂
    Toys? Yes we love them. He bought me one as a present quite early on in dating and that has continued. We spoil the shit out of each other, also lingerie.
    Kinks? Sky seems to be the limit so far.

  5. We’re nonmonogamous, although nobody’s putting much effort into going out and getting laid by people outside our little network, mostly because we’re old and boring and prioritise fucking each other, going bouldering, playing computer games and eating good food. Also, it’s easier from a safer sex perspective when everyone involved sticks to the same people, we use barriers with everyone else but not when it’s just the two of us. Ftr I have two long term partners, one relationship is more companionable or platonic with cuddles, the other one which I’m talking about, well, we’ve been all over each other for eight years now.

    We see each other 2-3 days a week, have sex that leads to orgasms maybe 5-10 times a week and do a lot of both sexual and nonsexual touching outside that. We’ve got different equipment but PIV sex isn’t actually that huge a priority for either of us, it’s more of a lazy comfort thing when we can’t be bothered to do other things. A mutual friend who’d definitely qualify as hypersexual has joined us on occasion, but he doesn’t live locally so that’s more of a holiday thing. I’m typically walking into walls in a haze after these threesome holiday weeks because holy fuck these dudes are inexhaustible.

    Let’s see. His sex drive is more consistent, like “has to have a couple of orgasms per day”, mine fluctuates but has always been higher than average. Lately I’ve been the one initiating more, which might be a perimenopause thing. Our sex life has been all over the place, roughly consistent in terms of frequency, but what we’ve been interested in has varied hugely over the years. Kink yes, but that comes and goes in waves. We don’t really subscribe to traditional roles in bed, we’re more just into figuring out different ways to do things. I lift weights as a hobby and tossing my bf around is a lot of fun; he occasionally returns the favour.

    I don’t think there’s a single week in which we haven’t fucked at least a couple of times, typically way more than that, but sometimes we’ll blow off sex in favour of coop computer games or a massive food orgy. Basically we just really like doing things together, and sex is one area where this shows. I could also be happy in a relationship that had much less sex or no sex as I’d just masturbate more, and have experience of that as well.

    Editing to add that we don’t really have any rules. We do have a lot of respect and trust for each other, like I would be absolutely astonished if he went out and had unprotected sex with someone & failed to disclose it, or vice versa. I’m choosing to be honest and to communicate my thoughts and wants, he does the same, and if anything happens or changes… we talk. If this stopped being the case and he started, say fucking people without protection and failed to disclose this, I expect we’d just break up. This isn’t something I worry about though.

  6. Been with my partner for 3.5 years, age 24M and I’m 28F.

    We don’t live together, so we do it couple times a week. Once or twice whenever we hang out. Lots of kinks, we’re switches with probably 75/25 division of me subbing vs him subbing. Day to day mild DDLG dynamic cuz I’m an unrepentant brat lol. Big fans of free use because we both have very high sex drives, like he sits down to watch TV and I pull down his pants to suck him while we watch, or I’m cooking and he gets on his knees and starts eating my ass. Lots of BDSM. Some pegging and stuff. Good times. Plenty of toys.

    Open relationship, but he doesn’t have an interest in pursuing others beyond potential future threesomes. I have had a steady FWB the entire relationship and a handful of casual hookups.

    It’s fuckin great finding a sexually compatible partner 😀

  7. Wife and I are both high libido although I would say I have a higher drive than her. We have sex 3-4 times a week when our schedule allows and it can be any time of the day really. Sometimes we spend Saturday or Sunday in bed having sex intermittently. It’s wonderful

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