Me and my ex lived together in a foreign country for 3 4 years..

We broke up 6 months ago, and left in our own countries.

Ever since we didn’t talk and he texted me out of the blue.

He now starts to text me late at night.

He hints on sexual conversations and when he saw I don’t reciprocate he apolgoized and changed normal topic…

He keeps texting me laye at night just to chat randomly and he wants to come and visit me..

He is the one who broke up with me (we broke up peacefully as he said he can’t see himself living abroad anhmore and hence his feelings for me chamged)

I am very confused whether j should give him 2nd chance or no.

I would appreciate any advices.

Tl;dr : ex bf who broke up with me now wants to meet although we live countries away he keeps texting me late at night every few days after not talking at all for 6 months straight

  1. This is what I think when I read your story. I think he had other thoughts of a single life or maybe another woman. Six months later, he realized he made a mistake. Now he wants you back. It really is up to talk and take him back. As long as he did not cheat on you nor did something wrong. Then you have to decide if you want to be with him.

    If you want to be with him then talk it out. If not move on.

  2. Don’t listen to this

    Just block him move on

    I’ve done this before after LDR, just bored horny young dude behaviour

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