What’s the best part about being in a relationship, why?

  1. A committed relationship or marriage. The best part is having a life partner. Someone who is there for you, as you are there for them. Someone to enjoy every day with. Someone to get through / or help get through hard times with.

  2. Having a go-to person and being their go-to person. Having them as the first person you think of to go tell when something great happens or when something bad happens. Bringing them along as your +1 to things. Getting to do all of the fun things you can’t do by yourself but would never want to invite one of your friends to. Sending memes you know will make eachother laugh back and forth. The inside jokes that form. And last but not least, the cuddles. When she rolls into your arms, puts her head against your chest, and gives a slightly muffled *”love you”*. When the stress and the harshness of the outside world gets to just melt away for a little while.

  3. It’s definitely pushing each other to be your bests & watching each other grow & having a best friend you do everything with…as much as I’m independent, I love these aspects of a relationship and I want to push my future partner to be the best version of themselves and be proud of them constantly praising & cheering their accomplishments in life being there every step of the way

  4. Having someone to give your love to.

    It’s like having all this pent up love inside you and then having someone you can give it too.

    When you’re in love everything becomes about that person, you’re essentially obsessed with them & anything they do is pure gold.

  5. I remember going to a party after getting into my first serious relationship in college. It just felt really freeing to be able to go and not try to impress anyone.

    Not that I would lie about myself when meeting new people before that, but you know how it goes, trying to put on the best version of yourself and all that stuff.

  6. Knowing a person has your back, in literally the most difficult of circumstances. And also knowing that same person can absolutely rock your world. The two might not and probably won’t occur at the same time. But the fact that they coexist in the same person, and that you share a life with them, makes the ups and downs worth it. (Admittedly, it can take a while to find your person, though.)

  7. My favorite part about being in a relationship is knowing that the person you’re in it with actually cares about you and you care about them. They are there for you and you are there for them. Through the good times and the bad times you manage to keep it together.

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