So truth is I’m not sure if this was an emotional affair. Im an (18f) I had a friend (18m) and I had a small crush on him back then but never anything more (he has been friends with my boyfriend since childhood) then I Met my boyfriend (18m) through him and our other mutual friend and I’ve no doubt loved him ever since and my crush for this friend went away immediately however This friend of mine went through a difficult few months and developed a drug addiction that he still struggles with but we no longer speak. during these months i was worried and always trying to check on him because there were a few months where I never saw him sober and the anxiety me and my bf felt made me try and get closer to my friend because I Just wanted him to open up and know he had someone to talk to.

As time went by he began coming up to me or calling me when he was high to tell me how his biggest regret was introducing me to my boyfriend and how he wanted me and honestly making inappropriate sexual comments so id tell him that he was just high and that I loved my boyfriend and we were too good friends but I always wondered if I should have told my boyfriend because this was an old friend of his. I didn’t feel happy when he said these things if anything it made me uncomfortable which is why I think I just got confused by my feelings and that I didn’t love him and at no point did I ever get closer to him than my boyfriend but still the guilt of ever thinking I felt that way follows me. There’s More…

One night in April we were At a party I stupidly got so blackout drunk I and mild alcohol poisoning (the party was in a field) anyway I dont remember how I got back in the house because I couldn’t walk all I remember is throwing up and passing out on the floor of the bathroom (not my classiest moment) and When I woke up I was still drunk and this friend was spooning me on the sofa truth is I was still so drunk that I still wasn’t thinking straight so i just got up and got a glass of water but still I feel like that crossed a line and I felt so guilty.

now I’m not sure if I even had feelings for him or if I just wanted to help him so desperately I’ve found sometimes I just want to fix people but thats a problem I have since worked on. The guilt is tearing me up inside. This friend disgustingly did some things to a girl (i dont want to trigger anyone)at a party so we have both cut him off and my feelings have been gone for a long time even before that happened but still I dont know if I should tell my boyfriend what happened but I Just love him so much every time I look at him all I can think of is how he deserved better. We’ve been together well over a year and I want this guilt gone. What should I do??

My drug addict friend thought he was in love with me im not sure if I had feelings for him or just wanted to hell him though at the time I thought I did and now that he’s out of our lives a very guilty part of me wonders if I should tell my boyfriend.

1 comment
  1. So what do you think happens if you do tell your boyfriend? Nothing good. Don’t do it again and stay away from addicts.

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