Yesterday, I decided to say hi to this girl I’m attracted to and interested in. Should I try to make s move next time? So I’m sure she’s seen be before as we passed each other a lot, but I made it a point that the next time I saw her, I was going to say hi, just to test the waters, never talked to her before.

So I was headed to the bathroom was walking past a staircase, happened to see her out of my peripheral coming down the stairs texting on her phone, so I just said a quick ” hey “. I didn’t try to stop or talk or anything, but anyway she looked up at me, so I lightly waved again and she said hey back.

Her response wasn’t quick and dismissive or dry, but she didn’t really smile ( I didn’t either I’ll admit). So made me wonder if I should just drop it.

A few minutes before that I saw a professor say hi to her she smiled and waved at her, but im wondering if the not smiling part towards me was a sign to back off? I don’t want to be a bother if she’s not receptive of course.

She had a friendly welcoming tone to her voice, she said ” heeey ” in a soft quiet way and she held eye contact when she said it as I was walking past her. She did look sorta tired.

After that, she looked back down at her phone and I continued for the restroom.

I’m not the best at reading people but is the not smiling part indicate that she wouldn’t be receptive if I tried to start a conversation or does it not mean much?

I don’t know what she’s like of course, but anytime I’ve seen heard her talk or seen her around, she always sounded kinda, not mean but she didn’t always have the most warmest tone, and she always looked kinda mad or serious, I know some people can come across certain way but that’s just what little I’ve observed.

Earlier today, when I entered the cafe, I saw her putting something in the microwave and I I pretended like I didn’t see her and went to the vending machine. As I was leaving I saw her facing near my direction waiting on her food to be done, so I just said screw it and just quickly raised my hand, as I was heading out , she didn’t look at me so I tried once more and this time she looked over, she smiled and raised her hand up and down and quickly looked away. I kinda got the impression that it was more out of politeness though, she didn’t look annoyed or weirded out or anything, she still smiled even after looking away, but I’m thinking it was just to be nice.

Tell me what you think, but I’m thinking I made my interest pretty clear, and that I’ll just back off, and if she decides she wants to say something that’s cool, but I think I’ll just leave it alone, would you agree? If she were interested she would’ve held eye contact instead of looking away right, to me it sorta seemed like she want was saying ” I’ll be nice but I hope he gets that I’m not interested “. That’s just the impression I got. I don’t want to be that guy who can’t take a hint but wanted a 3rd party perspective.

Tldr: I can’t tell if her responses were just being polite and not interested.

  1. If I were her, I would not be giving you or these interactions the slightest thought at all, You would be a complete non-entity. These are just everyday minor social interactions one has with random people to be polite and then forget as soon as they are done. I probably would not know who you are and just vaguely recognize you as someone I see around sometimes. I would have no reason to think you were interested in me, and I would not have any thoughts about you at all.

  2. She didn’t smile and wave back because to her, you’re a stranger. Whether or not you’ve seen each other before, you’re still strangers.

  3. Jesus Christ, and here I thought I over analize people. I wouldn’t say You made Your ,,interest pretty clear” by simply saying ,,hi” to a stranger. Her reaction was very natural and can mean anything, You can’t assume things simply on that. Go to her one day when she seems not busy, introduce Yourself and start some conversation. Just keep it short and not creepy.

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