I don’t know why, but I really cannot socialize when I’m stuck just sitting somewhere with someone. I feel bored and conversations just don’t usually flow that well. However when I’m walking around or just moving in general, things have a much better flow and the other person seems way more engaged in what I’m saying. Does anyone know why this might be or any ways to work on it? It’s a big problem for me because a lot of socialization is supposed to happen over a dinner table, in a class, or other places you can’t really move much but it really just doesn’t work for me in such situations.

  1. I feel you, personally chalk it up to restlessness and a wandering mind – instead of focusing on the fact you’re not free to wander, put your attention on the immediate environment and principally who you’re with. Active listening is important and can deepen just about any situation, conversations and places can be richer, more engaging and lot more rewarding.

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