I was having a boxing tournament, and I was on my last fight. The reward was a free trip to Vegas. I was determined to win, so I decided to stalk my opponent. I throughly looked throw his social media and followed him around. I found out details about him, his family, etc.

During the fight, I just muttered the names, addresses, and birthdays of his entire family (GF, mother, father, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, etc). He was so freaked out and I took that moment to get the upper hand.

Sigma tip – Sometimes the key to winning isn’t always in the gym. Stalk your competitors and hit them where it hurts.

  1. Love playing those games. Been swung at twice for doing stuff like that….not in boxing.

  2. Its all public information. Nothing wrong with it. Fighting is a psychological game as much as it is physical. Just make sure you don’t cross any legal lines and keep freaking out your opponents.

  3. In a fight, never. My grandfather was a professional boxer and ended up in jail and lost his engineering license after getting in a bar fight in his forties.

    As much as I enjoyed fighting, I was always careful not to really hurt anyone, or push someone so far it couldn’t end in a civilized manor.

  4. The same works at just about an truly competitive sport especially where your closely matched with your opponent. Getting your opponent off balance is usually key to a strong offense. Getting them mentally off balance can be just as effective as getting them physically off balance.

  5. Honestly, if you did that to me in my 20s right now you would be in a barrel at the bottom of the water in an abandoned quarry somewhere.

    If someone threatens my family’s life I assume they are being serious.

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