Around the house? Outside? Taking out the trash, mowing the lawn? Alone, with friends or family?

Curious what situations people are most comfortable being shirtless in.

  1. I don’t care. I seriously used to – then I got my act straight and started working out and dieting.

    I feel great and don’t care being shirtless in public anymore.

  2. I’ll do it around the house obv. Just not in public, cos’ people will say things and then I’ll have to start fighting.

  3. Only when I’m in private. I don’t like people seeing my body, because I don’t like my body.

  4. Well recently I’ve shirtless ALL DAY LONG even when Im taking the trash out. Could be because I got the confidence cause i do workout

  5. Màybe I am a prude, but I am not comfortable being shirtless. It is similar to a woman being ng only in a bikini, too revealing for me!

  6. I don’t mind at all. alone i’m shirtless all the time, with other people when the situation allows for it.

  7. If it was legal, I’d never wear a shirt, weather permitting.

    Pants too, for that matter.

  8. I’m extremely comfortable I could go anywhere and be happy. It’s every one around me (including my wife) that gets uncomfortable.

  9. Very comfortable but I avoid doing it outside at random places unless is the beach. The odd few times I did it at very hot days I get unwanted attention and mean looks and jealousy comments especially from other men. Don’t need that. Funny thing is if you’re skinny or even overweight walking shirtless nobody really bats an eye but as soon as you have a bit of muscle and cuts a lot of people think you’re showing off etc

  10. I don’t like being shirtless! Makes my skin cold and tingly and distracting.

    The only exception is when I’m in water. So I’m comfortable being shirtless in the pool, in the sea, or in bath/shower. Outside of the water, always a shirt.

  11. As a bigger dude who never really was comfortable with my body. As soon as I started getting tattoos, that changed. Now I’m shirtless whenever I can be.

  12. I look okay and I don’t mind it that much in the common situations where it’s appropriate, but I’m still a bit uncomfortable every time a random woman commented on my gut. And I compare myself to the time when I was 5% body fat boxer so every comment on my gut kinda stings. Like where’s the six pack. Or if you lost just a bit more weight I could see more of your muscles there. Some are showing but not all of them like they used to so that annoyed me when I was single/dating before current gf. She likes it that I’m not ripped. I really don’t care enough to be as strict as I had to be back then. But I do still miss how people reacted to my looks sometimes. And the fact that I could be shirtless and appreciated instead of people focusing on a small amount of fat. And I used to be a fat kid so that history weights in every time I get a comment somewhere. And feel like I should get back to my glory days weight to be accepted. Even though I hated being obsessive about eating. Loved the training though but I don’t have the time anymore to train 12 times a week and no motivation to be so strict all my abs would show.

  13. When I was 10 pound overweight, I never had my shirt off. After I lost my weight, my shirt is off all the time at home (during the summer) and I LOVE going to the beach. I also discovered tank tops for the first time in my life.

  14. I have a big ugly scar in my belly since i got stabbed, so I am very umconfortable shirtless even at home

  15. Not comfortable at all, I have lots of hairs and only fat rolls to show off. Even at the beach I’m always trying to suck up my gut.

  16. Even though I live alone, my shirt only comes off if I’m bathing or changing clothes, as is the case with basically all my clothes. I won’t even go swimming without a swim shirt, I hate being shirtless that much.

    It goes farther than that, though. I’m generally not too comfortable around OTHER people who aren’t wearing shirts too.

  17. No only am I comfortable being shirtless with my six pack abs , I routinely go to a nude resort that is co Ed. No shame over here , I’m a grower not a shower too

  18. 5×5 Stronglifts.

    I’ll take my shirt off right now. I’ll do it. You dare me? I’ll do that shit right now.

  19. Pretty comfortable. I like to run without a shirt if the weather is nice. I kinda like the attention and oggles I sometimes get from people driving by 😅

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