Lets say Joe Schmo is an introvert trying to get out of his house to places and socialize more and improve or at least get better at it.

What are some things you would put in a list of things to do outside to help that goal?

I was thinking “Talk to 5 people” or “Learn something new about someone you know”

Things like that, something that would make the process of going out, making friends or socializing with real people less chaotic

  1. I would say talking to one person is good enough for most introverts. It can be seriously daunting.

    Maybe doing a drop-in class would be helpful as well, like pottery

  2. This was my checklist:

    * Join VRChat
    * Listen to the people around me, and join a game that allows me to voice chat.
    * Cold-approach people in random servers.
    * Stop VRChat and look for opportunities to interact with people at the gym, such as using the same machine or chatting with the receptionist.

    VRChat really desensitizes you to social anxiety, and it’s not as scary because you feel anonymous. Nobody knows who you are or what you look like.

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