We are early 30’s we have been friend for about a year and we are from the same neighbourhood where everyone knows us. There has been now three occasions where he has acted oddly in a very specific way and i would like to know what to do about this.

First time: Sitting with my friend at our local bar I see he has a glass of whisky in front of him and i decide to join him. He says no you always drink beer. I say well you are having a whisky and i think I will have one too. He keeps saying no whisky and then he says this: ‘i dont want you drinking whisky’ and he seems upset. I ask why ever not and he says something like ‘whisky is not good for you I dont want you drinking whisky’. Again i ask how is it good for him but not for me and what is wrong with whisky, but again same answer, he doesn’t ‘want’ ME to drink whisky. This is odd to me. But anyway i give up trying to understand it, I get myself a whisky and sip it at the table with him as usual. He seems oblivious to it and nothing more is said about it. He has had no other issues with drinking whiskey since then, we drink anytime anything we like, zero issue.

Second time: At a different night out with my friend, he reaches out to a pin on my jacket and takes it. I was ok with this while he looked at it closely and kept it in his hand. I thought maybe he likes it and i had no issue with giving it to him. He has never worn the pin and a bit tater on i asked my pin back and he said he didn’t know where it was, that maybe he threw it away, and eventually said he would look for it. He then said he doesn’t want me wearing the pin. (it is a Star of Russia pin and he explained he thinks this is controversial in the current anti russia war media environment). I explained it is none of his business what i wear and that anything that is mine he has no right to take or throw away either. He does not dictate what i can or cannot wear. I did not continue to pursue this or his stance as it is very odd. I still do not have my pin back and still waiting for him to ‘find it’.

Third time: On another night we went to his mulah to buy some sweets. I put up the cash. He bought the sweets and then went off to eat some of the sweets. When we sit to have a drink I ask him my half he says he doesn’t want me eating any sweets and that he bought for himself and will pay me back tomorrow. This must be an excuse to keep for himself only. Still odd since the whole point of the sweets thing is to share. He had no problem with us going to the mulah together and with me putting up the money, but suddenly he has problem with me eating the sweets. Again I explain to him it is none of his business what i do or dont do, and that the sudden controlling act to me alone is odd especially since the whole enterprise was together. And he may want or not want for me to do or not do things but it is not up to him. He still insists on dictating what he’ wants’ or not wants For me. I said well if you are keeping all the sweets for yourself by force then i want my money back right now. He said he had no money, then he went back to the mulha, ‘borowed’ more sweets and then did give it me. After a long unpleasant argument where he was adamant no sweets nor money was due to me.

This is now three times this odd behaviour has turned up out of the blue and it creates arguments and bad time.

I am thinking if this is some kind of mental health issue, some control or paranoia, i think maybe the sweets make him paranoid, or he is that way himself. He tries to justify it by pretending it is for my good, and continues to act as if there is nothing wrong with it and that he is a great friend for looking out for me.

Obviously talking and communicating does not work with him as he seems stuck in a mental loop that prevents him from seeing anything wrong in his stance towards me and does not respect me nor listens when i tell him to get off me. I do not see him doing the same to anyone else. I certainly do not do the same to him, nor to anyone.

What is the best way to effectively disarm these weird attacks, considering the twisted way they are being presented. Or best way to deal with that and effectively end it and knock it on the head. Is ending the relate the only way.


TLDR: Close friend has acted forcefully as if he owns me and my choices in three separate occasions and seems oblivious to it. Does not respond to talking about it. How best to end such odd controlling attempts.

  1. How far apart where the instances? If they have been all recent in a short amount of time that’s one thing, but a pattern over a year is another

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