It doesn’t matter how much foreplay we do, how much lube we use. I’m even tearing with just digital insertion. It’s making me not want sex anymore because it hurts for the next three days.

My husband has been fantastic with working on this with me, trying to make sure I’m ready and being careful, and stopping if he notices I look like I’m in pain. I hate having to be so careful about it though, and I feel bad that it’s also impacting his sex life.

I’ve mentioned to my OB that I bleed after sex, but she didn’t really seem to think it was important.

Any advice? Things we can do to prevent this from happening?

I’m 33, with one vaginal delivery 15 years ago if that matters.

  1. It isn’t normal. **Seek a second opinion**.

    I dont believe that some doctors should be doctors, and that applies to any and every jobs. Not the point here.

    Have your hormones checked, you may have started an early pre-menopause hun. I know there are creams and pills đź’Š to fight this!!!

  2. Try applying a bit of a heavier fatty cream like lanolin…

    Even if it still tears, the lanolin will protect it and help it heal faster.

  3. Get thee to a different doctor, or to a physiotherapist who specialises in sexual function. That latter option is the only thing that’s ever helped me

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