Have you suffered through a traumatizing miscarriage even though you didn’t want the child? What happened?

  1. I did. I was 18 and I went to the hospital for very bad cramps that made it hard for me to breathe.

    I didn’t know I was pregnant and was drinking a lot of alcohol the week before my miscarriage. My partner(17) and I used condoms at the time. We knew the condom failed because it broke. I took a pregnancy test. It was one of those cheap ones with the pink lines. I misread it as negative because of how faint the positive line was, I thought that the positive line would be more bold in colour.

    The hospital discharged me after finding nothing wrong with me. I was in the first trimester so whatever test they did wouldn’t have shown that I was pregnant including the pregnancy test because I was in the early stage of miscarriage. I went home. I started bleeding and sobbing in pain. It was the worst physical pain I have experienced. I use a menstrual cup and I kept changing it every 1-2 hours. A few hours later, I gave up on changing it and passed out. I am also anemic.

    I felt alone because when I looked for support, my best friend who was also 18(we aren’t friends anymore) compared my pain to her period pain. My boyfriend at the time became emotionally unavailable(he is now my ex). Google wasn’t much help either because all of the support sites I have found were for women who wanted their child and I didn’t.

    This happened a bit more than 1 year ago.

  2. A little shy of my one year anniversary I had a miscarriage.

    I had an IUD at the time and didn’t have periods, so it was quite a surprise when I had curl-in-a-ball-want-to-die level cramps and was heavily bleeding.

    I didn’t tell anyone. I went through it alone because I didn’t feel like I could tell anyone what was happening. (Especially my husband who was going through finals prep.) I did know it was a miscarriage because of Google. I got so depressed I dropped all my classes a few weeks later and said I wasn’t sure what was causing my depression even though I knew full well what was happening.

    It took four months for me to tell my husband – and then six months to realize that communication problem wouldn’t change and the marriage was doomed.

    I was so scared I waited until six months after to see a gynecologist (I know, bad idea). He put my IUD back – it had become displaced enough it wasn’t working properly, and told me I had fully passed the whole miscarriage.

    Therapy helped me realize I’m not a failure and that miscarriages are common.

    Two years later I was diagnosed with endometriosis and had a salpingectomy (Fallopian tubes removed) so no more chances for miscarriages.

  3. Yeah was pregnant without knowledge with my abusive ex I was planning to leave, and had to rush to the hospital because the amount of blood loss.

    Each doctor there refused to believe me that I was having a miscarriage, said it was probably my period *without them even checking me out yet*.

    I asked for a female doctor because I had been raped and molested when I was 9 years old, and the *FEMALE* doctor told me no, and then proceeded to have 2 other training *male* doctors perform and observe the process once they finally believed I was having a miscarriage.

    Haven’t been to the doctors in 7 years since. Hospital in Saginaw MI. Avoid.

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