So me and this girl has been dating for a month went on a break date ( cause we both work at a different store and meet on a break 30 mins ) for like 5 times and planning to go on a official date on Easter. We hold hands , kissed and talk a lot about ourselves on a break date. Which is awesome Ngl and we definitely like each other (eyes Chico they never lie ). But the thing is we never talk each other about being exclusive to each other it’s been a month . I know we never went on a official date like a date date but the question is how long a person need to date to be exclusive with each other ? Also I’m (20M) and she’s (23F)

  1. Just ask her questions like, what does she see your situation as? Where does she see it going? Then if you like her answers, ask if she would like to make it exclusive.

  2. With exclusivity it is never about how long you’ve been dating, you’re only exclusive once you talk about it and verbally confirm it, and this conversation can happen at any point.

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