People with ‘street smarts,’ what’s your biggest street tip? 💭

  1. Be able to, “read the room”. Pay attention to how everyone is reacting to things, and modulate yourself to fit with the “mood” of the situation you’re in.

  2. Always err on the side of safety. If you mentally assume the possibility of the worst case scenario and have an even a basic mental plan, you are 10 steps ahead of the game.

  3. Keep your wallet in your front pocket.

    Always lock your phone. Encrypt it if possible

  4. Be kind and patient with others. Avoid trouble at all costs: money, pride, fun all matter less than avoiding trouble. Shit can go bad real quick. If you fuck around, you’ll find out. There’s always a bigger fish. Nothing good ever happened after 2am. Know your limits. Try new things in a safe place with people you trust.

  5. Keep your head down but always look around. Move them eyes mostly and small head turns periodically turn your head to see in back of you

  6. Don’t give money help / money / food to strangers who approach you out of nowhere. If you see someone in jeopardy and decide to lend a hand, different story.

  7. Keep loose change in your pockets, invest in a good folding knife for utility and self defense, don’t assume people will have good motives, and never be afraid to run away.

  8. When you fill up your car at the gas station, do you stand by the pump? If so, don’t leave your car door open as you’ve boxed yourself in.

    Related note, always lock your car doors immediately after getting in.

  9. Dress the part. Just like having clothes for work, you can dress for the streets you walk.

  10. When someone says, ‘I got you, man. you know I got you!”
    You better tie everything down because that shady POS is about fuck you over in one way or another.

  11. Nothing good happens after midnight. Go home.

    Don’t date women that argue with strangers. She will get you in trouble.

  12. Trust your gut and scan any and everyone, just a quick head to toe, if they don’t look like a normal person (seem sketchy) keep an eye out. Never put your back to an opening (I.e door/window/doorway)

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