Hi everyone 20M here , currently i have never had any experience in dating besides 2 traumatic talking stages
I have been trying to go out more and talk to more people and i used a dating app but i feel like it’s really hard to find s.o with the same interests as me and I’m discouraged , i feel way too lonely and i have no one to talk to about it , the more i try talking to new girls , the more i self sabotage myself
Ik that dating isn’t everything i have my goals and i am working to achieve them , i just think it’s nice to have s.o to talk to , share your day with and who can spoil you and shower you with affection
I have mixed thoughts and this issue makes me overwork my brain and i hope you guys can help me understand this feeling

1 comment
  1. at 20….its far more important to focus on yourself…..career, college, fitness etc. being alone is not being lonely. pick a few topics and study them…like understanding the stock market…how to trade…..this will be important as you get older in building wealth. a relationship will happen at some point….probably when you least expect it

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