What changed in your world view from your late twenties to mid thirties?

  1. That I always had to be doing something. Everything was go go go do this do that hang out with them come over here. Now I can appreciate the value of taking a moment to just appreciate where I’m at to actually experience it instead of just be in it.

    I don’t know… may sound crazy, but 🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. After a lifetime of be taught that things just “are what they are”, it was that my life wouldn’t get any better unless I took specific steps to make it better.

  3. I used to be a “free speech absolutist”, anti-SJW asshole in high school. Graduating high school and really taking a look around made me realize, “shit, these words inspire violence, the justice system is inherently racist, guns have more protections than women, we’re a 1st world country that does very little to take care of its people, and the fucking world is on fire.”

    I those were dark days in hindsight…

  4. I realized I was resentful.

    I was expecting others to act right without myself acting right.

    Blaming my bosses, blaming my family, blaming my culture, blaming my society…

    Yet what was I doing to make it better? Ever since I asked that question… my whole life has turned around.

  5. I became a lot more aware of just how much I didn’t know, was exposed to a ton of new perspectives as I went through college, and came out the other side progressively more and more feeling like what I wanted most was just to see a better world and do what I could do to add more love to it.

  6. I’ve become much more accepting an d inclusive, as well as more aware of my own biases/privileges.

  7. My optimism has been on a downward slide since before high school. It just got worse in my 30s and 40s.

  8. I used to dislike conservatives and libertarians.

    Now I fucking loathe them.

    All that fiscal responsibility stuff is just bullshit, conservativism, at its core, boils down to: fuck you, I already got mine.

  9. I have a disdain for poor people and believe they’re lives are a result of poor decision make and poor investment into their own success.

  10. I got less high and mighty. I can’t do everything myself. I had to learn to delegate.

    We all have different skills and nobody knows everything. Focus on your strengths and admit your weaknesses.

  11. I began to listen (mainly to women), not just my own flawed inner voice. It helped tremendously.

  12. I’m a bit short of mid-30s as of yet, but in transitioning from my 20s to my 30s in the last few years, my religious beliefs changed. I went from a practicing Christian to… idk, deistic/dystheistic agnostic? Basically, I’m not certain of the existence of a God. I lean toward yes, but also believe that whatever God is up there is aloof at best (deism) and at worst, outright malevolent (dystheism).

    Also, I went from questioning America’s brand of capitalism to fucking LOATHING it.

    I’m not a full-on socialist either, surprisingly, for the same reasons I can’t consider myself fully capitalist. That being that people suck and whether the power lies with government or corporations, it all ends with money and therefore power being in the hands of a few that will work to protect their own accumulations at the expense of everyone else.

  13. Realized that what friends you had in highschool didn’t translate well to adult life and evennso, those you made in college only lasted as long as college did except for some rare exceptions.

    That unlike school where everyone is aware and knowing of you in one way or another, work is a cold and very uncaring environnemeny full of people whom simply work for their salaries, that even your so-called coworkers will gladly stab you in the back (figuratively) if they feel insecure and think you’re trying to take their place.

    And dating was caught in that weird middle zone where mobile apps were just starting to be common place so some dove right into it while others kept believing in the tried and true way of socializing.

    Except most people, now all connected, were ironically all so very disconnected frkm each other.

    Hitting 30, I was so disillusioned with everything that I just decided to not bother trying to date actively and just focus on living and making myself comfortable.

    These days, the thought of having children is so laughable to me, considering that by the time they’d be adult, I’d nearly be 60 and the world isn’t looking to be getting any better in term of liveability and quality with how we’re turning everything around us into crap.

    So yeah, not gonna make someone else suffer through that just so I can be called ‘Dad’ when I don’t even believe myself to be good dad material at 40.

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