What do you do when you’re just bored, no house, single, no money – hitting the 40?

  1. Sit down and figure out how to make things better.

    Maybe start with getting your money right. One thing I did for quick money when I was younger was to be a cocktail waitress part-time for periods when I needed some extra cash. It was work, but I had fun doing it in a fun place. I know you’re almost 40, but you’re still young enough. If not be a food waitress. They make pretty good money too.

    If none of this appeals to you, there are other side gigs that you might enjoy

    Next step is to make some friends and get some Hobbies. You can make friends through Meetups groups, doing things that don’t cost a lot of money.

    Sometimes you can make money on your hobbies. I started growing plants from propagations. I got good at it and learn how to make plants get big real fast. I started selling them and made a little extra

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do

  2. No money? There is something to do right there. Go figure out how to get money. Money is extremely important.

  3. Worry about the money part first and foremost. Get yourself a plan to either save money, pay down debt, cut out excess spending or take on some extra work.

    I couldn’t care less about owning a house. Do you have a roof over your head? That’s a start. Where I live, owning a house as a single person with a decent enough income is impossible.

    The boredom part, think about what you can do to make a change. Explore everything. Do you feel like you want to explore a hobby? Do you miss companionship? Figure out what you are missing in your life and try and find a way to fill those gaps.

    I’m single, and kind of like it, so I don’t have much advice for that lol.

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