So me (19f ) and my boyfriend (19m) have been together just over a year. We both live with our parents and cannot afford our own place as we are full time students. A few months ag9 he mentioned that he wanted t9 live with me someday and I was positive about the idea. Recently however he has been asking me almost everyday and asking me “when”. Along with this he is asking his parents if I can move in. I would consider this however there are a few things I need an “escape from” one being when I am on my period my boobs get very swollen and tender. He will grab them and pull them very hard along with poke them. It is a joke to him but for me it hurts. I have asked him to stop things like this and he says ” I already said sorry” .

  1. If he doesn’t stop touching your boobs when you tell him to stop that’s disrespectful. If it really is that painful you can pull the abuse card and it’ll make him think about things. But idk, that still seems like a minimal issue. Like, if that’s really what you need an escape from you should really think hard about living with another person. There is no escape ever, really. Sure, you can request alone time, but with what I’ve gathered through the boob thing, I doubt he’d leave you alone.
    Self reflect on this one.

  2. Don’t do it, he doesn’t seem mature enough to be considering moving in with

    As for the other thing… Just kick him in the balls every time he does, he’ll get the idea!

  3. So your boyfriend treats your body like a toy he can bat around, and basically doesn’t understand consent. Even though you have told him straight out to stop being a dick.

    And you are considering living with this guy? I’d suggest you break up before it gets worse.

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