Do you guys ever try asking a girl out at the gym? We work out at the same time, I know her name by chance from a facebook car group. I really doubt she knows mine because I rarely post on social media. Should I try to catch her after her work out, interrupt her work out or try to catch her before? Is there even a viable option? Should I pretend to not know her name?

What do you guys think

  1. I think catching her after the workout would be best.

    That way if the exchange doesn’t work out, you’re not left awkwardly working out next to one another.


    >Should I pretend to not know her name?

    Yeah, I might be a little weirded out if someone same up to me out of nowhere and was like “Hey, you’re (XXX), wanna grab a coffee?”

  2. If you catch her coming or going, do it then. Otherwise don’t. As a woman, I will tell you that it wouldn’t matter how attractive a guy is, I’d be pissed if he approached me during my gym routine (meaning before, during or after my workout) and I think there are plenty of others that feel the same way.

  3. I had a girl pretty much hit on me at the gym once, I was in a relationship at the time or I would’ve definitely followed up on it. I would very much not approach a girl at the gym though, I think they would need to give some very strong hints for me to do that and risk people thinking I’m creeping on girls instead of working out

  4. I’ve never tried asking a girl out at the gym but there’s no good reason not to try. You can even attempt to create a connection by mentioning you’ve seen her on the Facebook group and share a common interest.

    Probably best to wait until after the work out when she’s actually free. Go get her.

  5. Do not interrupt her work out and I wouldn’t suggest calling her by name. If a strange guy I never met called me by name it would immediately make me uncomfortable and on guard. I would wait and casually approach her at the locker room, front desk or water fountain.

  6. C’mon, she’s at the gym to get a workout just like you’re there to get a workout. Don’t bother her. Also do you know anything about her? Does she know anything about you?

    From the information given sounds like you’ve never had any meaningful interactions and you think she’s just going to go on a date why?

    Ngl you sound like a creep… Hey I saw you from a Facebook group.. quit your bullshit, you stalked her.

    The gym is working, outside of the gym is for dating…

  7. You’re a fucking creep it sounds like. And chicks HATE when dudes try and talk at the gym

  8. I imagine the men who do have success approaching women at the gym aren’t posting here because they wouldn’t need to.

    Yes you can approach her but it’s not a one and done thing. Take advantage of the fact you see her regularly. Make eye contact with her at the gym a couple times and smile and see if she’s receptive. Eventually escalate to a quick hi or nod or wave a few times. If she seems receptive to that, maybe approach her and introduce yourself (NOT while she’s mid exercising but during a break or similar) and keep it short. Continue from there.

    But the fact this has to be spelled out to you tells me that you’re most likely socially awkward and it might not work for you. Most people who are socially aware would be able to do this naturally without having to think so much or even post about it on Reddit. No offense. If you are young there is still a chance to learn and change.

  9. Don’t bother women at the gym. At most make polite small talk. If she really starts to come on strong, then ask her out/

  10. No don’t do it. The gym should be a safe place. She’s there for a work out that’s it. Just don’t do it. It’s always creepy.

  11. A lot of women really hate being approached at the gym. It’s their time to do their work and de stress.

    Maybe just write her on fb?

  12. No.

    “Catch her after her workout” will make her think you were watching her the entire time and planned to approach without others present. This comes off stalkerish.

    If she is orbitting around you in the gym then sure talk to her and go from there but if she is showing no interest then it could get awkward real fast. You might never see her there again. I know women that would quit a gym for unwanted approaches.

  13. I go to the gym. I think I would be fine if someone interrupted me while working out. But if someone knows my name and uses it, then I will be very concerned.

    Girls who go to the gym are more attracted to guys, who go to the gym too, as compared to the guys who they find on dating apps.

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