So when my fiance and I got together I was still in contact with my ex because he was paying me for the loan for the trailer he was living in. My fiance did not want me talking to him so I cut off contact and am paying for the loan myself. A few months ago we started having issues in our relationship and he said he wanted a break. While on so called break we were still together every day he started talking to his ex who he claims he wants nothing to do with telling her to come see him but did it to piss me off. I mentioned him not talking to her anymore and he said he would but in his own time. Last Saturday was our 1yr anniversary and I know I shouldn’t have but my gut told me something was up I went into his phone and found msgs between them of him saying that he was sorry he hasn’t talked to her in a min but him and I were working things out that and that Iust feel threatened by her because I know that she can steal him back if she wanted to. He has now been acting distant for the last few days. I don’t know how to feel about it I don’t want to end the relationship we have history and I’m in love with him but I don’t know how to feel anymore I don’t feel like I can trust him anymore.

  1. Trust your gut. This is extremely concerning behavior. No one should be talking to their ex in such a way (especially after you literally had to take it financially up the ass to conform to what his boundaries were). If he isn’t willing to cut her off right now, move on. You will be happier in the long run.

  2. Do you want to be married and build a life with someone you don’t trust? Your entire life next to a man you do not trust? A man who is actively currently choosing the conversation with his ex ovengagement.

    Or would you like a life partner who trusts you and you trust them?

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