Are you friends with your neighbours?

  1. Yeah I know most of them. Having lived next to them for over 20 years.

    There’s only one house we don’t really talk to or know anything about. They’re kinda shut in and have blacked out windows too.

  2. Not all. The people on one side of me are friendly but make it clear they prefer to keep to themselves. I’m friends with people in the next three closest houses.

  3. We know them. We trust them. We’ve given them extra keys to our house, and vice versa. We sometimes ask them to pick up our mail when we are away, and we do the same for them. We say “hi” and chat from time to time.

    But we don’t hang out together. So it’s not that level of friendship.

  4. Not really. We’re friendly to each other and have chatted on the odd occasion but I don’t consider them friends.

  5. Nope. Don’t even know any of their names. Have only spoken to one of them. I bought this house 10 years ago.

  6. Yes, very much so.

    My daughter is very good friends with two of our close neighbors, plays basketball with them, participates in Girls on the Run with one of them, spends a lot of time at their houses and they do at ours.

    I am personal friends with both those parents and a few other people in the neighborhood.

    We get together at a local park to do things like pumpkin carving, snow fort building, grilling, and just generally playing on the playground.

    I have helped my neighbors cut up downed trees. They helped me do the same. We have had neighbors over for BBQs. The whole neighborhood goes out for trick or treating in various groups of parents and kids. The older couple down the street attend my church so I see them at mass and afterwards for coffee and donuts.

    So I consider a lot of people in my neighborhood friends ranging from acquaintances to good friends.

  7. I nod to one of them every now and again when we run into eachother taking out the garbage. So, yes.

  8. One of them, the other I can’t stand. He’s the stereotypical bad neighbor. People across the street with I am friendly with but that’s it.

  9. I know their faces and a few names. But I’m not friends with them…at most, they’d be similar to a work acquaintance that you’d have a quick chat with.

  10. My stepdad is friendly with one of the neighbors but not anyone else. It’s more of an older people thing I think.

  11. I’m cordial with him. He’s a nice dude. We don’t hang out, but we have each others back.

    The house on the other side of me burned down before I moved in. So it’s just me and the neighbor to my left on my street.

  12. I’m friendly to everyone except for the Fucker that set my building on fire, they can go fuck themselves

  13. No, I am a batman neighbor. The only time they see me is when the garage door opens and the car leaves or comes home.

  14. Our immediate neighbours – Best buddies. Have got along like a house on fire since day one. Others in the village are variable but all are least civil.

  15. One is the man who cuts our grass. Only very rarely spoken with two others. One I have never spoken to.

  16. At our first house, yes. It was a a walkable older neighborhood with sidewalks. Sidewalks, by the way, are the key to having those kinds of neighborhoods. Crazy good and diverse place to live with a little bit of everyone. It helped that we had a huge backyard where all the neighborhood kids came to play. Folks would say ‘Hello’ at the fence while they were walking past and, the next thing we knew, we were grilling burgers and drinking beer three hours later. It didn’t hurt that we threw a boffo Christmas Open House every year, the kind where we were having to throw people out at one in the morning. Still nostalgic about it.

    At our second house, more like acquaintances. No coincidence that it was also a newer suburb with hilly terrain with blind curves. Mostly unwalkable. As in you took your life into your hands simply walking up the street.

    Now we live in a high rise condo. We’re on good terms with our neighbors on our floor, but most are much older than we are. We have made friends in the complex however.

  17. Yea! There are three apartments in my building. My best friend lives downstairs and we are friends with the people upstairs too.

    I’m also friends with several people on the block, who I met over the years just by saying hello when I walk by.

  18. I used to know a few of them, but then I moved a mile away after 25 years in the same house. I live in a dulpex now, we don’t really know the people that share it with us but we always try to be friendly and get along. We still go to the old neighborhood occasionally.
    But new people moving in, and too many short term rentals are ruining the area and our neighborhoods are losing the feeling of community they used to have.

  19. More of a “hey how are you doing” “heads up, I noticed a beehive in your tree” or “the township is doing road work on Main Street, take side streets” type deal we got going on.

  20. Yes, we’re friends with every neighbor in our immediate vicinity, as well as others beyond. Our oldest neighbor just moved sadly, knew him for 20 years. Some neighbors we will invite over for drinks or a bonfire.

  21. I’m not unfriendly, but I don’t make any effort to talk to them. I live alone, I like my privacy, I don’t want someone interrupting me every time I come and go. So for me, I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t want to be friends.

    My last neighbor liked to talk at people, whoever passed by. Not a conversation, just talking at and over them. So I’d say hello, and be polite, but my feet would never stop moving.

  22. Not really. We’re friendly and cordial with each other, but I wouldn’t say close. I have one neighbor who likes me because we both have the same political views in a very liberal area, so we both understand and trust each other at a more fundamental level.

  23. Not really. I was friendly with them when we first moved in, but we have a dog that doesn’t like other dogs or people so we had a privacy fence installed. My neighbors now act like we’re the spawn of satan and basically just ignore or avoid us.

  24. I know the one guy’s name, but not his wife of kid’s names. The guy on the other side told me his name, but I forget what it is.

    Other than that, there’s the guy who is always walking his dog, the guy with the food truck, the kid that runs like Naruto, etc.

    Edit: had to fix an auto correct mishap.

  25. Eh. We are friendly and neighborly. Occasionally the kids do activities together, and we went camping and kayaking with our immediate neighbors a few times before her newest boyfriend moved in.

  26. I bought a condo in a complex a little over a year ago. The people below me when I moved in were a nightmare but they weren’t there long. Then the owners renovated it and turned it into a short term rental so no one’s there for more than a few weeks at a time.

    I met the 2 people one building over and one dude a couple buildings down. Those are the only people whose names I know. I’ll wave and say hi to other people out and about and I recognize some people who walk their dogs often and kids at the bus stop or whatever but I’ve never really met them.

  27. Yes! We live in a really close townhouse community. Almost all the neighbors are friendly with each other, many (especially families with kids) are really close — regularly hanging out in the alley while kids play, group texts for when somebody needs to borrow an ingredient or needs home repair advice, impromptu pizza parties and outdoor movies.

  28. Yes. We were very close to the neighbors on one side, an elderly couple we have known over 30 years. They passed away and we maintain a relationship with their son. On the other side, is a young family we are close with. They came to our wedding and the Dad does a lot of home repairs for us at a bargain cost. We all make fun of the neighbor across the street together because he is a clueless manchild who ineptly hits on my mom.

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