My (32F) boyfriend (34M) broke up with me on Friday.

There’s more details in my previous post around the context but the main thing is that we have both become very difficult to live with, particularly me. I’ve been very hard on him while going through a difficult 2years personally.

After a few days apart I can see that space from each other is best for both of us. I am seeing things with so much self awareness and hard as it is, I don’t think I would have got to this point without this happening.

We both love each other more than we’ve ever loved in a relationship, he tells me this is killing him and that he misses me but he can’t “keep trying” without feeling like a mug. He can’t see how he won’t remain a punching bag for me and doesn’t want to keep being hurt. I respect this. He is staying with family, I am in our flat with our dog. I know the separating of things and moving out is coming, I’m not naive to that. We’ve agreed to take the breakup with respect and not put pressure on ourselves to sort logistics until we can see each other irl and do it together.

I am truly shook by how much of a change I am seeing in myself and in my feelings toward things that would have usually upset me. I know that I will get back to my best self in time.. I am so motivated for my own happiness. And want the same for him.

I’m starting to realise that if there was ever a chance for us to have a future this time apart is very necessary and I now see that trying again now could potentially be wrong for both of us.

With all of this in mind, i’m interested to know if anyone has been in or knows couples who have broken up, worked on themselves then come back to each other stronger?

1 comment
  1. My wife and I were dating for about two years when I found out she’s basically been cheating the entire time with her ex. We broke up for a year, lived separately went to therapy separate and as a couple. After a year apart we were able to come back together and have been married nine years now. The only reason our situation work is we both wanted to make it work. Had we both not been willing to give 150% there’s no way it would’ve worked.

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