We’ve been having some rough patches in the marriage. Went through hell at the beginning of this year and I thought we were on the road to recovery..

It went sour when I told my husband a month and a half ago I wasn’t happy with how he was treating me. He said he was going to change it and work on things and seemed happy. Then all of a sudden.. pulled a switch on me.. I don’t want to be pessimistic or cynical, but kind of like DARVO..

So I’ve been trying these past months to make him happy and obey anything he requests and wants, to still no avail, he is still cruel to me. Some have said he is emotionally abusing me and is a narcissist/has tendencies of one.

The counselor tonight told him he needed to work on himself and if he continues to act high and mighty and defensive, he will continue to blame everyone for his problems and nothing in life for him will work out if he refuses to take admission for any of that. My husband got angry and said he wasn’t sure if he wanted to even continue the marriage.. which left me and the counselor in shock.. he then said he didn’t want a divorce. But was tired of this, to which the counselor asked him what exactly and he ignored it. Then said he wasn’t sure if he would come home tonight and may go stay at his parents house.. i waited till he left the room after our session and I sobbed and cried to the counselor and the counselor said he was in disbelief and disturbed with how my husband was acting.. my husband came back in the room when he realized I hadn’t left. Eventually I left, I picked up our dog from his parents and he went and got Mexican food and I asked him about two hours after the session if he was coming home and he flipped out on me and said he hasn’t made up his mind..

I feel like a fool wanting my husband to come home and that I don’t respect myself begging a man who doesn’t seem to want me. But.. I feel like an even bigger idiot staying in the marriage and hoping it gets better.

Maybe I just needed to vent and just know that things get better and I will be okay. I just feel like dying, I don’t have any family outside of this, and my husband and his family became mine.. and I don’t have any close friends by. My closest friend lives 5 hours away. I don’t feel okay and feel like I’m dying.

TLDR: My husband and I have been bumpy these past two months, our counselor kind of grilled him on some things to work on. He said he wasn’t sure if he was coming home tonight or staying at his parents house.

Update: My husband came home to check up on me after I didn’t respond to his message of how I was doing.. He texted me telling me he was coming home to check on me and would be sleeping in a separate room. I just didn’t respond because I was trying to process things and a gal pal came over to check on me. He came home and was furious I had a friend over. Said he shouldn’t have came out to check on me and I should have texted him back or answered his phone call. My friend ended up leaving, and I told him I would appreciate if he slept in the same room as me if he did want to check on me and my seizures I get occasionally, and he became irate and told me he regretted coming here and I said okay. He went off on me, and for the first time, in a long time, I stood up for myself and told him that I didn’t appreciate how he was talking to me and I wouldn’t be spoken to like that for reaching out an olive branch and I wasn’t doing anything hurtful. He told me he was going to leave.. and I said, well fine, if you want to, go ahead, you aren’t a prisoner here. I said are you not my husband? You should respect me and not yell and cuss at me, and his response was I am your husband for now.

It sounds cynical.. but I feel like he only came home because I wasn’t begging him to come home like I normally do. Normally I cry and plead with him. But this time, I didn’t.

  1. Things are not going to get better, I’m so sorry. It’s heartbreaking but you cannot break yourself to “fix” your marriage, both partners have to work to make a marriage happy and healthy. You will never be happy with this man.

  2. I’m sorry OP but it’s not going to get better. Not unless you leave. He’s not interested in working on anything. He’s waiting for you to say your leaving first. That way he doesn’t have to be the bad guy. On a side note I wouldn’t be surprised you find out he’s having an affair.

  3. I’m sorry, I don’t have any uplifting advice but I agree with others, it honestly doesn’t sound like he is interested in change or improving himself….while your marriage may not improve you should remember that there is almost always light at the end of the tunnel, just maybe not with him. I’ve had friends go through some dark times and divorces and have never looked back… some of them had even said they had forgotten what it felt like to feel actually happy.

  4. He is trying to manipulate you to beg him to stay to continue the same cycle. I would really sit down and think about if this is what you want for yourself in life.

  5. I’m sorry this is happening to you. I’m a very strong willed person to the point that I never let people walk on me or treat me anyway they choose. You need to speak your mind to him and look out for taking care of your mental health. You’re living in a prison and now it’s time to break out! Don’t choose to remain in this abusive prison. Also, not to be disrespectful to you, OP, but you said you ‘Obey him’ ?? You’re not a dog or a pet. A pet or a slave ‘obeys’. In marriage, there should be mutual respect and mutual agreement in love, not one spouse demanding obedience from the other. Anyway, please know that this behavior is not healthy and I hope you find happiness and freedom, however that may come!

  6. > act high and mighty and defensive…he will continue to blame everyone for his problems and nothing in life for him will work out if he refuses to take admission for any of that

    Your husband sounds extremely immature, and nothing in his behavior is ever going to change if he’s wholly convinced he isn’t doing anything wrong.

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