I(24f) was friends with my boyfriend(22m) before we dated and I know he had a huge crush on this girl but she treated him like a trash.I just found out he searched her name on Instagram and he gave me really shitty excuse about why and I’m not believing him.We’ve been dating for almost 2 years and I feel like he hung onto her.He said if he hung onto her he wouldn’t have dated me etc. I don’t know I feel really insecure do you think this is a good reason for breaking up with him?

In our 2 year relationship he mentioned this crush about 2 new people in conversation and I got annoyed, she really treated him like a trash so I didn’t pay much thought about why he’s telling this experience but I also found out he liked her picture when we were flirting.I mean he talks about how much of a bad person she is but after everything is over,when he’s flirting with me he also liked her picture?

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