I read in some magazine that women never shaved their downstairs until about a generation ago. Now it’s pretty much a norm. Guys grow beard or go unshaven and women start shaving right around puberty. I wonder why. Is is just cuz guys like it that way or won’t have an excuse for not going down? Just curious.

  1. It likely has to do with the prevalence of pornography. As the internet becomes more and more accessible, it is easier for people to get exposed to/gain access to pornographic material. As social media platforms grew, more and more people began to post bikini shots in order to enhance viewership. And most women want to keep that area hair-free for bikini shots. Eventually, this began to shape our definition of beauty.

    It may also have to do with the fact that people are more open about sex these days-people are probably having more casual sex compared to earlier days. And if u are having more casual sex, one can imagine grooming becoming an essential part of one’s routine. Having too much hair down there may lead to self-consciousness about smell, etc.

  2. NO ONE is going to like my answer. It boils down to the patriarchy and the infantilism of women. There have been papers written on the subject by both women and men. Men started the trend in the porn industry to make women look younger. It is as simple and kind of a gross answer. The trend has continued with some misconceptions such as it is cleaner. It actually isn’t but once a woman starts shaving she often can’t stop because it messes with her pH balance and it takes a long time to rebalance after growing back the hair especially if you have been getting waxed or have been shaving for a long time. There are lots of other myths that are associated with shaving and waxing. But you can look them up. It is a thing.

  3. It’s there for some reason. It can prevent STDs and i heard u can’t hold ur fart without it LOL. So completely shaving it might be a bad idea.

  4. For me personally it’s cause it feels nicer. I like it when it’s smooth, the same with armpits and legs. And for me the sex is much more sensitive then with hair cause I sadly have a lot lot hair there. 😅😂

  5. When I was growing up, it was all taboo to do that. 80s porn changed it forever. At first it was wild and exotic, but now it just seems weird to be bare-shaved to me. I like grooming a lot, but I definitely prefer evidence of some physical maturity down there.

  6. I don’t have a source to site here, but I once read that it became more common when porn directors wanted to remove hair so the camera could see better. Now it’s taken on more of a life of its own playing into a whole beauty industry selling women a lot of useless products that we don’t need.

    Over at r/TooAfraidToAsk there are a LOT of “should I shave X and Y? Is this normal?” questions from both sexes, mostly.teens and young adults. It goes to show how everyone is insecure about their body, afraid of rejection, and don’t have any other way of knowing what is “normal”. It’s a shame that porn and movies are most people’s only way of seeing other naked humans as they are not unbiased arbiters.

  7. I am retired, I grew up when women had full bush. The only thing I didn’t like was getting hair in my mouth during oral, but, it wasn’t a big deal. My wife started trimming in the early 90’s she says it makes her feel cleaner.

  8. It’s fashion it comes and goes. Completely shaved was in around the renaissance as you can see in nude singing of the time, big bushes was in the the 1970s. In Britain most girls trim but rarely go bald. It’s fashion

  9. For a long time people (companies) have made money off of making women insecure about something and then selling them a product to “solve” it (in this case razors), it’s capitalism and misogyny. And since that started there have been body trends for women, size, hair you name it. It’s a way of both controlling and distracting women (having them spend money and energy on their physical appearance rather than important things) as well as a way to earn money. And naturally porn plays a big part, porn creates trends but also follows trends to appeal to the majority of the audience.

  10. I personally feel a lot cleaner when completely bald down there. I also feel sexier. My man says he doesn’t care if there is hair down there, but for some reason it makes me feel insecure when I have it. I rarely feel sexy with hair down there, but when I do I feel more womanly. I think it’s just preference at this point.

  11. I personally like doing it because it just feels more confortable and I think it’s more hygienic for my partner. I have to admit I find it sexier that way too, but I agree that It could be a point of view biased by porn or nowadays trends. I noticed that many men prefere when it’s not completely shaved, just groomed, so it’s a matter of opinion.

  12. I love going down on my wife. I have 0 issues with a bush but the less hair the more skin I can tease and stimulate.

  13. I’m natural and I know a lot of women who are. My partners love it, play with my hair while we kiss, suck on it when they are loving me… The other day I was giving my partner a massage and she loved the way my bush felt on her butt while I rubbed her.

    Everyone should do what they like of course, and not follow along with everyone else.

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