What do girls think is abnormal that men find normal?

  1. Keeping detailed notes about what skills your friends and loved ones have which would be useful in the event of an apocalypse.

  2. Your hand just underneath your pants while you’re deep in thought. You aren’t playing with yourself but it’s more like a comforting thing just to have the hand there doing nothing.

  3. If you talk to women about it they find it unusual that men find it hard to get sex, they honestly think it’s easy for us and strange In general how men get no play on average.

  4. Suggesting solutions to other people’s problems. Actual solutions. Not just listening and giving sympathy.

  5. Silent sitting. Just sitting there for a few minutes to just clear the mental slate. Is often met with “Are you mad?” Followed by “Why are you mad? You always do this to me. Why won’t you talk to me when you’re mad at me?” All the while, silent guy is just trying to relax…but with all the chatter, ends up getting…you guessed it…mad, because his five minutes of silence is no more…

  6. Minimally decorated homes/apartments. Yes yes yes, not every single man in the entire gd world has a barren home. But left to their own devices, most men do. Men tend to invest a lot less effort in décor than women do. It’s just true.

    Women always seem perplexed by this. Every time they go to a man’s house and find minimal decoration, they always have to remark on it like it’s the first time they’ve ever seen something like that. Even tho it can’t possibly be the first time.

  7. Long periods of silence throughout the day. I don’t see a real need to talk for the sake of talking, only talk when there’s something that must be said, and keep the conversation to the bare minimum.

  8. “we good?” “we good.” is all we need to say to apologize and forgive one another after fighting or whatever.

  9. Insulting your best freind to their face and their feelings don’t get hurt because they know you don’t mean it

  10. The fact that men don’t compare penis size by grabbing them. I actually had to explain that to a friend once.

  11. Having loose plans with the friends. We’re going to go out to eat and probably a bar to watch the game.

    Her – what diner? What bar?

    Me – *shoulder-shrug*

  12. How 2 men can get in a fight, throw a few punches, then go out for beers after instead of burning their entire social and sometimes private life, to the ground lol

  13. Human bodies aren’t perfectly symmetrical. I’ve heard a lot of women express concerns about this, but I have never heard a man mention it. I don’t think we notice or care about this.

  14. That we work hard so we can get to a place where we have nothing to do. We don’t work hard so we can fill up our calendars with even more shit to do.

  15. Hanging out with your friend and when your wife ask what you did you say “nothing” and mean it.

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