My boyfriend(18m) and i(18f) have been dating for almost 8 months and he’s told me how much he loves reviving oral, but I don’t like the taste of cum/pre cum.

i’m afraid of him finishing in my mouth without telling me (he tells me that if he was going to finish he would tell me but i’m still worried that it might happen)

i’ve only really properly given him oral when i was drunk/tipsy (that’s when i don’t mind the taste)

what should i do because i really want to make him happy please help

  1. Just deal with it. It’s a bad taste for a quick moment. Maybe eat a mint afterwards to help get rid of the taste.

  2. Genitals (male and female) often smell and taste like ammonia, because urine decomposes into ammonia, and it builds up. Fortunately, ammonia washes away easily in the shower, with soap.

    So ask your bf to lather up, or do it for him! You can even smell the lather and it will smell like ammonia. If you run a check by rinsing and lathering up again immediately, you’ll see that it no longer smells of ammonia. Now your bjs will no longer be stinky 🤪😛😊

  3. > i’ve only really properly given him oral when i was drunk/tipsy (that’s when i don’t mind the taste)

    >what should i do because i really want to make him happy please help

    Blow him when you’re tipsy. Seriously, that solves it in the short term at least. Longer term maybe your brain will realize that you don’t mind it after all, and then you won’t need to be tipsy first. It’s worth a try.

  4. Please tell him to go wash before. There’s nothing wrong with it. I personally love tasting his cum And swallowing it.. to each their own lol

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