We’ve been family friends since we were 2 and I’ve had a crush on her my whole life. Fast forward to a year ago she came out to visit me and my parents as I live with them to save money and we fell for eachother then starting dating. Score, right? Unfortunately we rushed things and within 5 months moved in to my parents basement together to continue saving money and I’m finding out how controlling/demeaning/and different we are as people. It’s so hard to break up because I want this to work, but my gut feeling is ultimately telling me this just won’t. That I’ll be happier with someone else out there that fits my personality better.

She moved out here for me and I just would feel so bad if we broke up..but that’s so cowardice of me. Anxiety is kicking my ass over this. How do I proceed?

TLDR : family friend Girlfriend moved states for me and has become very controlling/demeaning to where I feel like it’s best to end it before I lose myself. How do I proceed?

1 comment
  1. Either break up or get couples counselling. If she doesn’t want to get help, then it’s over.

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