Does anyone else feel like lifting a lot just kills their energy, drive, and ability to be naturally social?

  1. No – quite the opposite, actually. I feel very energized and sociable when I’m feeling built/fit.

  2. Nah, so far I’ve received compliments on my improved physique and barely notice the difference. The feeling of post workout is amazing, I’m always on a high when get home from the gym.

  3. In my not-so-normal experience, yes.

    To elaborate- I have a medical condition which leaves me with a limited amount of energy each day. I value fitness and enjoy working out, so I choose to use a lot of my available energy on that activity. It often leaves me feeling like a depleted zombie, but I continue to lift because I value being physically fit.

    Feeling that way after exercise isn’t (to my knowledge) ‘normal’ though, so if you feel inclined- you may want to rule out any potential illness or chemical imbalance causing it.

    In my case- I’ve just learned to work around it.

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